Operation Manual

CLP-170/150 69
Detailed Settings
In Dual mode, parameters with the mark are set for Voice 1 and Voice 2 individually.
Settings Parameter name Reference page
Octave* Octave 78
Volume level* Volume 78
Position of right and left channels* Pan 78
Fine pitch adjustment (only in Dual mode) Detune 78
Reverb type ReverbType 79
Reverb depth* ReverbSend 79
Chorus type ChorusType 79
Chorus depth* ChorusSend 79
Chorus on/off ChorusOnOff 80
Select the DSP type* DSP Type (DSP) 80
Set the speed of the vibraphone vibrato effect* VibeRotorSpeed 80
Turn the vibraphone vibrato effect on/off* VibeRotorOnOff (RotorOnOff) 81
Adjust the speed of the rotary speaker* RotarySpeed (Rot.Speed) 81
Adjust the DSP effect depth* DSPDepth 81
Adjust the brightness of the sound* Brightness 81
Adjust the resonance effect* HarmonicContent (Harmonic) 81
Adjust the low-range frequency of the equalizer* EQ LowFreq. (EQ L.Freq) 82
Adjust the low-range gain (boost/cut) of the equal-
EQ LowGain 82
Adjust the high-range frequency of the equalizer* EQ HighFreq. (EQ H.Freq) 82
Adjust the high-range gain (boost/cut) of the equal-
EQ HighGain 82
Touch sensitivity* TouchSense 83
Right pedal function RPedal 83
Center pedal function MPedal 83
Left pedal function LPedal 84
Auxiliary pedal function AuxPedal 84
Settings Parameter name Reference page
Select the iAFC type iAFC Type 85
Adjust the iAFC depth iAFC Depth 85
Calibrate (automatically adjust) iAFC Calibration 86
Restore the basic iAFC settings iAFC Default 86