User Manual

CP4 STAGE/CP40 STAGE Owner’s Manual 49
On-screen Messages
Message Description
Are you sure?
This message is displayed to confirm whether or not you wish to proceed with
the selected operation.
Auto power off disabled.
This message is displayed when you disable the Auto Power-Off function by
turning on the stage piano while holding down the leftmost key on the keyboard.
Auto volume boost with this
file name.
This message is displayed when you set an audio file name having “}{“ as its
seventh and eight characters. Files named in this way will have their volumes
automatically boosted by the stage piano when played back and may become
very loud as a result.
This message is displayed when loading, saving, formatting, and other similar
operations have been completed.
Connecting USB device.
This message is displayed while a USB flash-memory device is being mounted.
Device number is off.
This message is displayed if the Bulk Dump function cannot be used due to a
device number not having been set.
Device number mismatch.
This message is displayed if the Bulk Dump function cannot be used due to a
mismatch in device numbers.
This message is displayed while your stage piano is busy performing formatting
or another similar task. Please wait until the operation has completed.
Factory Set...
This message is displayed when the Factory Set function is executed upon
turning on the stage piano.
Favorite voice registered.
This message is displayed when a favorite Voice has been set for a Voice
Category button.
File already exists.
This message is displayed if a file with the same name as the one you are about
to save already exists.
File not found.
This message is displayed if no file of the selected type exists.
Hold to lock/unlock.
This message is displayed if a Panel Lock operation was not successful. Be
sure to press and hold the [PANEL LOCK] button for the required length of time.
Illegal file name.
This message is displayed if the file name you entered is invalid. In such a case,
please enter a different name.
Illegal file.
This message is displayed if the file selected for loading is unsuitable for use
with your stage piano or cannot be loaded in the current mode.
Illegal format.
This message is displayed if you attempt to play an audio file that is not in
44.1-kHz, 16-bit, stereo, .WAV format.
Incompatible USB device.
This message is displayed if an unsupported USB device is plugged into the
instrument’s [TO DEVICE] USB terminal.
MIDI buffer full.
This message is displayed if the volume of MIDI data received is too large to
MIDI checksum error.
This message is displayed if the checksum for received system-exclusive MIDI
data is incorrect.
MIDI data error.
This message is displayed if an error occurs while receiving MIDI data.
No response from USB
This message is displayed if the connected USB flash-memory device is
Now loading...
This message is displayed while your stage piano is busy loading a file. You can
cancel loading by pressing the [EXIT] button at this time.
Now saving...
This message is displayed while your stage piano is busy saving a file. You can
cancel saving by pressing the [EXIT] button at this time.