User Manual

Dial Plan definition
The dial plan serves several purposes. It allows manipulating a number string
that is entered on the dialer and instead sends a transformed string to the Call
Manager. Or it allows checking for specific strings to be blocked for dialing.
Any string dialed is checked against the dial plan and returns "no match",
"match" or "reject". If "reject" is returned, the dial string will not be sent to the
call manager and a busy tone is played. Strings that match will be replaced
with the string defined in the dial plan and then that string is used to dial the
number. Strings that do not match any of the rules will be used as they are to
dial the number.
If no dial plan is set, the dialed numbers are used to setup a call on the call
manager without any check.
Dial plans consist of a series of dial digits (0..9, *, #) and modifiers ('x', '[]', '.',
'<:>', ',', '!', '^', '{}') separated by '|' .
NOTE: There should be no spaces in the dial plan. The examples below show
spaces for readability only.
Definition of modifiers
'x' represents a wildcard and matches any numeric digit ('0' .. '9')
'[]' defines a range
[389] represents '3' or '8' or '9'
[3-9] represents '3' or '4' or ... or '8' or '9'
'.' indicates to repeat the previous number or sub-string
"01." matches "0", "01", "011", "0111", etc.
'<:>' represents a substitution: '<' dialed subsequence ':' transmitted subsequence '>'
"<8:91650>xxxxxxx" would match "85551212" and replace it with "916505551212"
'!' is used to reject a sequence by placing it at the end of the sequence
"1900xxxxxxx!" will reject 900 area code numbers
'^' is used to exclude digits in the set of the range []
[^15] includes 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 i.e. [02346789]
[^2-4] includes 0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 i.e. [0156789]
The above modifiers are part of "DRegex" as defined in RFC4730.