User Manual

F0H 43H 1nH 27H 30H 00H 00H mmH llH ccH F7H
Sets the MASTER TUNING value.
The values "mm" and "ll" are used to set the master tuning (the values "n" and "cc" will be ignored).
T = M*200/256-100
"T " indicates the actual tuning value.(-99 - +99)
"M" is the one byte value consisting of MSB, 0 - 3 bits of "mm", and LSB, 0 - 3 bits of "ll".
(3-6-3-2) XG SYSTEM ON
Bin Hex
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1n Device Number
01001100 4C Model ID
0aaaaaaa 00 Address High
0aaaaaaa 00 Address Mid
0aaaaaaa 7E Address Low
00000000 00 Data
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
When receiving this message, the internal tone generator will be reset to XG SYSTEM ON. All the parameters will be initialized and reset
to each default values. Since approximately 50ms is required to execute this message, be sure to leave an appropriate interval before the
subsequent message.
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1n Device Number
01001100 4C Model ID
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address High
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Mid
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Low
0ddddddd ddddddd Data
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
For parameters with data size of 2 or 4, transmit the appropriate number of data bytes.
See MIDI Data Table (page 22-25) for Address and Byte Count.
The following four types of data are transmitted/received (Transmitted only when receiving parameter change request).
XG System Data
Multi Effect Data (ignored in Performance Mode)
Multi Part Data (ignored with Part 1 - 4 in Performance Mode)
Drums Setup Data
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1n Device Number
01001011 4B Model ID
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address High
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Mid
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Low
0ddddddd ddddddd Data
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
For parameters with data size of 2 or 4, transmit the appropriate number of data bytes.
See MIDI Data Table (page 22-25) for Address and Byte Count.
The following four types of data are received.
CS1x System Data
User Performance Common Data
User Performance Layer Data
Current Performance Data (ignored in Multi Mode)
(3-6-4)BULK DUMP
(3-6-4-1) XG BULK DUMP
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0000nnnn 0n Device Number
01001100 4C Model ID
0bbbbbbb bbbbbbb ByteCount
0bbbbbbb bbbbbbb ByteCount
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address High
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Mid
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Low
00000000 00 Data
0ccccccc ccccccc Check sum
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
See MIDI Data Table (page22-25) for Address and Byte Count.
The Check sum is the value that results in a value of 0 for the lower 7 bits when the Byte Count, Start Address, Data and Check sum itself
are added. Don't send the data more than 513 bytes at one time. When the Dump request with the data more than 513 bytes is received, be
sure to divide the data into appropriate sizes and send them with appropriate intervals (over 120 ms).
The following five types of data are transmitted/received (Transmitted only when receiving bulk dump request).
System Data
Multi Effect Data(each effect) (ignored in Performance Mode)
Multi Part Data(each Part) (ignored with Part 1 - 4 in Performance Mode)
Drums Setup Data(each note)
System Information (Transmit only)
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0000nnnn 0n Device Number
01001011 4B Model ID
0bbbbbbb bbbbbbb ByteCount
0bbbbbbb bbbbbbb ByteCount
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address High
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Mid
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Low
00000000 00 Data
0ccccccc ccccccc Check sum
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
See MIDI Data Table (page 22-25) for Address and Byte Count.
Almost the same as the XG BULK DUMP mentioned above except for the Model ID.
The following four types of data are transmitted/received (Transmitted only when receiving bulk dump request).
CS1x System Data
User Performance Common Data
User Performance Layer Data
Current Performance Data (ignored in Multi Mode)
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0010nnnn 2n Device Number
01001100 4C Model ID
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address High
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Mid
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Low
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
See MIDI Data Table (page 22-25) for Address and Byte Count.
The following five types of data are received.
System Data
Multi Effect Data(each effect) (ignored in Performance Mode)
Multi Part Data(each Part) (ignored with Part 1 - 4 in Performance Mode)
Drums Setup Data(each note)
System Information
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0010nnnn 2n Device Number
01001011 4B Model ID
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address High
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Mid
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Low
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
See MIDI Data Table (page22-25) for Address and Byte Count.
The following four types of data are received.
CS1x System Data
User Performance Common Data
User Performance Layer Data
Current Performance Data (ignored in Multi Mode)
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0011nnnn 3n Device Number
01001100 4C Model ID
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address High
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Mid
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Low
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
See MIDI Data Table (page 22-25) for Address and Byte Count.
The following four types of data are received.
System Data
Multi Effect Data (ignored in Performance Mode)
Multi Part Data (ignored with Part 1 - 4 in Performance Mode)
Drums Setup Data
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0011nnnn 3n Device Number
01001011 4B Model ID
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address High
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Mid
0aaaaaaa aaaaaaa Address Low
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
See MIDI Data Table (page 22-25) for Address and Byte Count.
The following four types of data are received.
CS1x System Data
User Performance Common Data
User Performance Layer Data
Current Performance Data (ignored in Multi Mode)