Owner's Manual

Failed to process the MIDI data because too much data was received at once.
Error occurred when receiving MIDI data.
Error occurred when receiving bulk data.
Internal backup battery needs to be replaced.
No more available memory on the Memory Card.
Can’t find the specified type of file.
Memory Card is faulty.
Memory Card has not been inserted, or an incompatible card (5V type) has been inserted.
Memory Card has not been formatted.
Memory Card is write protected.
Memory Card has been wrongly formatted.
File with the same name already exists.
There are no files containing Phrase Clip data.
Data in the file is corrupted and cannot be used.
The specified file name is not in MS-DOS format.
File is a read-only type, and cannot be deleted, renamed or saved.
A file could not be created on the Memory Card.
No further directories can be created.
Directory cannot be entered because it is too deep.
File format is not recognized.
Bulk data cannot be received because protection is enabled.
Bulk data cannot be transmitted/received because the device number is set to "off."
Bulk data cannot be transmitted/received because the device numbers don’t match.
All remaining memory has been used up.
Maximum number of Phrase Clips has been reached and no more can be created.
The Clip is too short to execute the “FreqConvert” Job.
Sampling Frequency of the Clip is too low to execute the “FreqConvert” Job.
Cannot be used because Slot 1 contains a Multi-Part Plug-in Board.
Cannot be used because Slot 2 contains a Effect Plug-in Board.
Plug-in Board in Slot 1 is not working properly.
Plug-in Board in Slot 2 is not working properly.
Sound requires a different Plug-in Board to that inserted in Slot 1.
Sound requires a different Plug-in Board to that inserted in Slot 2.
When used with a PLG100 series Plug-in Board, a data file of which File Type
is “plugin” cannot be stored on a Memory Card.
Format of the sample file or sample dump data is unsupported.
Operation is being executed.
Memory Card operation is being executed.
File is being loaded from Memory Card.
File is being saved to Memory Card.
Plug-in Board(s) is/are being checked (after powering up the synthesizer).
Phrase Clip is being recorded.
Waiting for input signal to reach the trigger level to start recording a Phrase Clip.
Recording has automatically stopped because no more free memory was available.
The instrument is receiving sample dump data via MIDI In.
MIDI Bulk data is being received.
MIDI Bulk data is being transmitted.
Scene has been stored. (The sound itself is not stored.)
Sound has been stored.
Operation has completed.
Repeat the operation?
Create a file?
Final confirmation.
There is a file already stored with the same name. Replace it with a newer
one with that name?
<< ! MIDI buffer full. >>
<< ! MIDI data error. >> 
<< ! MIDI checksum error. >>
<< ! Change internal battery. >>
<< ! Card full. >>
<< ! File not found. >>
<< ! Bad card. >>
<< ! Card not ready. >>
<< ! Card unformatted. >>
<< ! Card write protected. >>
<< ! Illegal card. >>
<< ! File already exists. >>
<< ! Data not exist. >>
<< ! Illegal file. >>
<< ! Illegal file name. >>
<< ! Read only file. >>
<< ! Can't make "EXT" file. >>
<< ! Can't make directory. >>
<< ! Too deep directory. >>
<< ! Unknown file format. >>
<< ! Bulk protected. >>
<< ! Device number is off. >>
<< ! Device number mismatch. >>
<< ! Memory full. >>
<< ! Too many clips. >>
<< ! Too short clip. >>
<< ! Too low Fs clip. >>
<< ! Multi plugin in slot 1. >>
<< ! Effect plugin in slot 2. >>
<< ! Plugin1 communication error. >>
<< ! Plugin2 communication error. >>
<< ! Plugin1 type mismatch. >>
<< ! Plugin2 type mismatch. >>
<< ! PLG100 not supported. >>
<< ! Illegal data. >>
<< Executing... >>
<< Now working... >>
<< Now loading... >>
<< Now saving... >>
<< Now checking plug-in board. >>
<< Now recording... >>
<< Waiting for trigger... >>
<< Recording stopped.(No free mem.) >>
<< Sample dump receiving... >>
<< MIDI bulk receiving... >>
<< MIDI bulk transmitting... >>
<< Scene stored. >>
<< C 3:128[ ] Stored. >>
<< Completed. >>
<< Retry? [YES]/[NO] >>
<< Make file ? [YES]/[NO] >>
<< Are you sure ? [YES]/[NO] >>
<< Overwrite? [YES]/[NO] >>
Display Messages