Owner`s manual

4 FILTER controls
Use these to set the filter characteristics of the Element. Use the “VELOCITY” knob to
define how the Element’s filter opens/closes in response to note velocity. Use the “RESO”
knob to set the LPF Resonance level and the “CUTOFF” knob to set its LPF Cutoff
Frequency. Use the “HPF” knob to set the HPF Frequency.
n The FILTER controls are disabled if the oscillator source is set to “VOICE.”
5 AMPLITUDE control
Use the “VELOCITY” knob to define how the Element’s output level varies with note velocity.
n This knob is disabled if the oscillator source is set to “VOICE.”
6 [DETAIL] button
Click this to open the “DRUM KEY DETAIL” dialog and input all Element values directly
(except the Keyboard note assignment).
Click on the text box and select whether or not to receive notes.
n This switch is disabled if the oscillator source is set to “VOICE.”
8 KEY ASSIGN switch
Click on the text box and select Single key assignment or Multi key assignment.
Click on the text box and select an alternate group number. This is used to prevent a pair
of drum sounds, such as an open and closed hi-hat, from sounding simultaneously.
n This selector is disabled if the oscillator source is set to “VOICE.”
) FILTER settings
Drag one of the square marks horizontally to adjust the Element’s “HPF Cutoff Frequency.”
Drag the other square mark vertically to adjust its “LPF Resonance,” and horizontally to
adjust its “LPF Cutoff Frequency.”
n To set these values directly, select the “OSCILLATOR” tab of the DRUM KEY DETAIL Dialog.
! AMPLITUDE EG settings
Drag the first square mark (furthest to the left) horizontally to adjust the Element’s “Attack
Time.” Drag the second horizontally to adjust its “Decay 1 Time,” and horizontally to adjust
its “Decay 1 Level.” Drag the last square mark (furthest to the right) horizontally to adjust
its “Decay 2 Time.”
n To set these values directly, select the “PARAMETER” tab of the DRUM KEY DETAIL Dialog .