User Manual

Reference Manual
TF Series
Provides access to frequently used features and system settings.
The toolbar is displayed regardless of the screen content.
1 Displays the SCENE screen. (page 11)
2 Displays the METER screen. (page 13)
3 Displays the RECORDER screen. (page 14)
4 Displays the MONITOR screen. (page 18)
5 Displays the SYSTEM SETUP screen. (page 20)
6 Displays the USER SETUP screen. (page 25)
7 Displays the current time. (page 24)
8 Displays the current status. The following are displayed depending on the console's status.
ACCESS: The console is accessing the USB storage device that is connected
to its USB connector.
CUE: The cue is turned on.
OSCILLATOR: The oscillator is turned on.
SCENE screen
Allows you to manage previously saved mixer setups, or "Scenes".
When you recall a Scene, you can exempt certain settings from being replaced by the settings
contained in the Scene; this is called "recall safe".
1 Scene list selection button
Allows you to switch between the available Scene lists.
SCENE A: Displays Scene list A.
SCENE B: Displays Scene list B.
2 Scene list
Displays the Scenes saved in the selected Scene list.
You can click a header in the list to sort the items by that header. (List items cannot be
sorted by "Information".)
To select a Scene, simply touch it. The selected Scene is highlighted, and can then be
saved, recalled, or edited.
A green triangle is displayed next to the Scene that is currently recalled.
You can touch the area in the column to turn the lock icon on and off. When the
icon is displayed, the Scene is write-protected.
The date on which the Scene was last saved is displayed in the Date column.
Displaying configuration screens
When you touch an icon, the corresponding configuration screen is displayed.
To return to the previous screen, touch the icon again, or touch the close button ([X]) in the
upper right of the screen.