User Manual

Configuration screens
Reference Manual
TF Series
Touch to display the configuration screen for the corresponding feature.
You can touch the EQ, GATE, and COMP buttons displayed here to turn the
corresponding feature on and off.
HA box: Displays the INPUT screen. (page 39)
EQ box: Displays the EQ screen. (page 41)
GATE box: Displays the GATE screen. (page 44)
COMP box: Displays the COMP screen. (page 46)
6 Channel on/off button
Turns the selected channel on and off.
7 Channel pan slider
Adjusts the pan for the selected channel.
8 FX1/FX2 boxes
Displays the effect type.
When selected, you can use the [TOUCH AND TURN] knob to adjust the effects send
level. You can also display the corresponding effect's configuration screen by touching
Each box displays the amount of signal from the selected channel that is sent to the
corresponding effects module.
Send level, the selected channel's fader level, and the actual send level grouped with the
DCA is displayed in the triangular bar.
The information displayed here indicates whether the signal sent to the effects module
is the pre-fader or post-fader signal. Pre-fader signal is displayed in green; post-fader
signal is displayed in gray.
Touch when selected to display the SEND TO AUX screen.
Displays the amount of signal from the selected channel that is sent to each AUX bus.
Send level, the selected channel's fader level, and the actual send level grouped with the
DCA is displayed in the horizontal bar.
The information displayed here indicates whether the signal sent to the AUX bus is the
pre-fader or post-fader signal. Pre-fader signal is displayed in green; post-fader signal is
displayed in gray.
0 ASSIGN box
Displays the ASSIGN screen. (page 54)
A Channel output level slider
Adjusts the fader level for the selected channel.
B Channel output level meter
Displays the channel's output signal level.
C Direct out port indicator
Indicates the channel's direct out port.
D Direct out point button
Allows you to set the point of the direct out signal.
Pre DG: Before the digital gain
Pre HPF: Before the high-pass filter
Pre Fader: Before the fader
Post Fader: After the fader
E Direct out on/off button
Turns the direct out on and off.
1 Channel name
Touch to display the CH NAME screen.
Touch to display information for a different channel.
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