Owner`s manual

CVP-509/505/503/501 Owner’s Manual 21
Starting Up
These buttons are used mainly to change the Pages of displays that have “tabs” at the
The [1 ▲▼] – [8 ▲▼] buttons are used to make selections or adjust settings (up or
down correspondingly) for functions shown directly above them.
TAB [E][F] buttons
[1 ▲▼] – [8 ▲▼] buttons
If a menu appears
in this section of
the display, use
the [1 ] – [8 ]
If a menu appears
in this section of
the display, use the
[1 ] – [8 ] but-
If list of the menu
appears, use the [1
▲▼] – [8 ▲▼] button
to select the desired
If a parameter appears in slider
(or knob) form, use the [1 ▲▼] –
[8 ▲▼] button to adjust the