Operation Manual

What is MIDI?
To enjoy playing or composing music on a computer, you need a computer and a MIDI instrument, such as the Clavinova.
“MIDI” is a standard data format for music that is recognized by both computers and electronic musical instruments.
To make an analogy, think of the computer as a Russian musician and the Clavinova as a Japanese musician.
Both musicians have musical knowledge and talent, but they don’t speak the other’s language, and thus can-
not communicate. Then, they find out that both understand English. Now, they can communicate and
exchange musical knowledge. In this example, English is MIDI. A computer (the Russian musician) can com-
municate with a Clavinova (the Japanese musician) using MIDI (their common language: English). “MIDI” is a
“language that lets digital devices exchange musical information so you may enjoy computer music.
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