User Manual

Recording Your Performance
DGX-660 Owner’s Manual
Basic Guide
With Song Recording, you can create a Song consist-
ing of six tracks (1–5 and A) by recording your per-
formance to each track one by one. In recording a
piano piece, for example, you can record the right-
hand part to Track 1 then record the left-hand part to
Track 2, allowing you create a complete piece which
may be difficult to play live with both hands together.
To record a performance with Style playback, for
example, record the Style playback to Track A, then
record melodies to Track 1 while listening to the
already recorded Style playback. In this way, you can
create an entire Song which would otherwise be diffi-
cult, or even impossible, to play live.
Tracks [1]–[5] For recording your keyboard perfor-
mances, such as a piano piece.
Track [A] For recording Style playback.
If you want to re-record an existing User
Song, select the desired User Song.
(Execute step 1 on page 44 then select
the User Song from 101–105 using the
If you want to record from scratch, select the unre-
corded User Song.
To specify the target track, while holding
down the [REC] button, press one track
button from [1]–[5] or [A].
To cancel recording to a specified track, press that
track button again.
To record your keyboard performance, specify
from [1] to [5]. (To record the Dual Voice specify
from [1] to [3].)
To record the Style playback, specify [A]. (ACMP
is automatically turned on.)
The selected track will be highlighted in the dis-
(When Track 1 is specified)
(When Track A is specified)
When Track A is specified, you can specify one
more track from [1]–[5] by repeating this step, and
vice versa.
To cancel recording, press the [REC] button or
[EXIT] button.
Recording to a Specified Track
• Split Voice, Metronome, AUX IN sound and MIC INPUT sound
cannot be recorded.
Before recording, make the necessary settings
such as Voice/Style selection.
Tra ck
Tra ck
Tra ck
Tra ck
Tra ck
Tra ck
• If you record to a track that contains previously
recorded data, the previous data will be overwritten
and lost.
• If Auto Accompaniment is on and Track [A] has not yet
been recorded, Track [A] will automatically be selected
for recording when one of Tracks ([1]–[5]) is selected. If
you only want to record to Track [1]–[5], be sure to turn
Track [A] off.
• If the User Song selected in step 1 already contains
recorded Style data, the same Style number is automati-
cally set. If you want to select another Style, press the
[STYLE] button then use the dial to select the desired
Style after specifying the [A] track.
• You can use the Metronome while recording although the
metronome sound will not be recorded. After pressing the
[REC] button, set the Time Signature and start Metro-
nome before going on to step 3.
Press and
Track 1 will be
Track A will be