Music Mixer User Manual

Before Using Basics Section AppendixGetting Started Reference
01X Owner’s Manual
No sound? Wrong sound? When a problem like this occurs, please check the following points before assuming
that the product is faulty. In many cases you’ll find the solution to your problem here. If the problem persists,
then contact your Yamaha dealer or service center.
No sound, or sound is too faint.
Are speakers or headphones connected correctly?............................................................................................................................ page 23
Is your amp and other external devices turned on?
Is the signal from the external device being input? ........................................................................................................................... page 46
The connection cable from the external device may be broken.
Is the MONITOR A/B switch setting appropriate? ........................................................................................................................... page 96
Is the sound level balance of MONITOR appropriate?..................................................................................................................... page 16
Is the level setting of MONITOR/PHONES knob appropriate? ....................................................................................................... page 17
The GAIN may be set to an extremely low value. .....................................................................................................................pages 16, 46
Is the fader of the input channel or stereo input channel or stereo output channel
raised to an appropriate level? Is the channel turned on?.................................................................................................................. page 99
Is the input/output patching set correctly?............................................................................................................................pages 88, 90, 91
Is the wordclock setting correct for both the 01X and
the external device(s)? ........................................................................ page 92, “Settings by mLAN Auto Connector” (Installation Guide)
Is the attenuator of the EQ raised? ............................................................................................................................................pages 97, 98
The EQ gain may be set to an extremely low value. ............................................................................................................pages 96, 97, 98
The dynamics processor may be set to an extreme threshold or ratio.....................................................................................pages 100,122
If you are connecting an electric guitar, is it connected to the Hi-Z jack?........................................................................................ page 21
(When using SQ01) Make sure that “Disable Audio”
(select [Audio] from the [Setup] menu in the Track View window) is off (unchecked). ............................................ SQ01 Online Manual
(When using SQ01) When the application is closed in the condition that
the sampling wave frequency of SQ01 is set to 48kHz, then is connected
with the mLAN Auto Connector with a setting other than 48kHz, a message
appears when starting SQ01 indicating that the audio device cannot be used.
Make sure to set “Disable Audio” to off (select [Audio] from the [Setup] menu
in the Track View window). ........................................................................................................................................ SQ01 Online Manual
Are all the level settings (of any tone generators, playback devices and the application itself) appropriate?
(When wordclock is set to 96kHz/88.2kHz) Make sure
that input channels 17 – 24 (mL9 – mL16) or stereo input channel 2 are not used.
•(For Windows) Is mLAN (mLAN Driver) set to “ON”? From the taskbar, right click on the mLAN Manager (mLAN icon).
Is the mLAN Audio setup appropriate?.............................................................................................................................Installation Guide
Are the other settings of mLAN appropriate? ................................................................. (“The mLAN connection does not work.” below)
Sound is distorted.
Is the [GAIN] control set correctly?.............................................................................................................................................pages 1, 46
The connection cable from the external device may be broken.
The fader of the input channel or stereo input channel or stereo output channnel may be raised excessively.................................. page 99
The EQ attenuator may be set to an excessive level...................................................................................................................pages 97, 98
The EQ gain may be excessively high..................................................................................................................................pages 96, 97, 98
Is the wordclock setting correct for both
the 01X and the external device(s)? ................................................... page 92, “Settings by mLAN Auto Connector” (Installation Guide)
An effect such as Distortion or Amp Simulate may be in use......................................................................................................... page 102
Did you record at an appropriate level?