User Manual

Effect Type List / Liste der Effekttypen / Liste des types d’effet / Lista de tipos de efecto / Lista de tipos de efeito
CVP-709/CVP-705 Data List
Chorus Block
Category Type Name Description MSB LSB
Reverb Hall 1
Reverb simulating the acoustics of a hall.
Hall 2 116
Hall 3 117
Hall 4 118
Hall 5 11
Acoustic Room
Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. Standard setting.
Drums Room
Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. For drum sounds.
Reverb suitable for a solo instrument.
Reverb simulating a plate reverb unit.
Delay Tempo Delay 1
Tempo-synchronized delay.
21 0
Tempo Delay 2 21 16
Tempo Echo
Tempo-synchronized echo.
21 8
Tempo Cross 1
Tempo-synchronized cross delay.
22 0
Tempo Cross 2 22 16
Tempo Cross 3 22 17
Tempo Cross 4 22 18
Modulation Chorus 1
Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing.
66 17
Chorus 2 66 8
Adds more stages to the modulation of Celeste.
68 16
Creates a sound similar to that of a jet airplane.
67 8
Tempo Flanger
Tempo-synchronized flanger.
107 0
Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the sound.
72 0
Tempo Phaser
Tempo-synchronized phaser.
108 0
E-Piano Phaser
Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the sound. For electric piano.
72 17
Dual Rotary Speaker Bright
Simulates a rotary speaker.
99 16
Dual Rotary Speaker Warm 99 17
Rotary Speaker 69 16
Rich Tremolo effect with both volume and pitch modulation.
70 16
E-Piano Tremolo 70 18
Tempo Tremolo
Tempo-synchronized rich Tremolo effect with both volume and pitch modulation.
120 0
Auto Pan
Several panning effects that automatically shift the sound position (left, right, front, back).
71 16
Tempo Auto Pan
Tempo-synchronized auto pan.
121 0
Legacy Hall M
Reverb simulating the acoustics of a hall.
Hall L 17
Atmosphere Hall
A unique long reverb with atmosphere.
Percussion Room
Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room. For percussion sounds.
Room 1
Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room.
Room 2 217
Room 3 218
Room 4 219
Room 5 20
Room 6 21
Room 7 22
Room S 25
Room M 26
Room L 27
Stage 2
Reverb suitable for a solo instrument.
Stage 3 30
Stage 4 31
Plate 2
Reverb simulating a plate reverb unit.
Plate 3 40
GM Plate 47
Karaoke 1
Echo for karaoke.
20 0
Karaoke 2 20 1
Karaoke 3 20 2
Early Reflection 1
This effect isolates only the early reflection components of the reverb.
Early Reflection 2 91
Chorus 3
Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing.
66 16
Chorus 4 66 1
Chorus 5 65 2
Chorus 6 65 0
Chorus 7 65 1
Chorus 8 65 8