User Manual

CVP-709/CVP-705 Owner’s Manual
Music Finder – Calling up Ideal Panel Setups for Your Performance –
Music Finder
– Calling up Ideal Panel Setups for Your Performance –
This feature lets you call up panel settings ideal for your performance simply by selecting a “Record,” which
includes Voice and Style settings. If you want to play a certain piece of music but don't know which Style
and Voice settings would be appropriate, you can search for relevant Records by the title of the piece.
This lets you use the convenient Music Finder functions with preset sample records.
1 Call up the Music Finder display via [Menu] → [MusicFinder].
2 Touch the desired Record.
The panel settings in the Record are called up. When the Record including the Style name is
selected, ACMP and SYNC START are turned on and the corresponding Style is called up. This
lets you start Style playback immediately.
If searching for the desired Record is difficult, use the Sort function described below.
Selecting the Desired Record (Panel Settings)
Sorting the Records
Touch one of the Sorting tabs to sort the Records in the corresponding order. Touch the same tab to
alternate the order, ascending or descending.
Sorts the Records title of the music piece.
Sorts the Records by Style name.
• Beat
Sorts the Records by beat.
Sorts the Records by tempo.
Touching here shows only the Favorite Records. To show all the Records, touch here again. To add a
Record to Favorite, touch the star mark ( ) of the desired Record to make it colored ( ).
To delete it from Favorite, touch the colored star mark ().
Sorting tab