User Manual

YDP-S34 MIDI Reference
MIDI Data Format
n: Drum Setup Number (0-1)
rr: note number (0D-5B)
In the following cases, the instrument will initialize all Drum Setups.
• XG SYSTEM ON received
• GM SYSTEM ON received
• GM LEVEL2 SYSTEM ON received
• GS RESET received
• DRUM SETUP RESET received (only when in XG mode)
When a part to which a Drum Setup is assigned receives a program change, the assigned Drum Setup will be initialized.
If the same Drum Setup is assigned to two or more parts, changes in Drum Setup parameters (including program changes) will apply to all parts to which it is assigned.
System Exclusive Messages (1)
Not Received when Receive Parameter SysEx is set to off.
Not transmitted when Transmit Parameter SysEx is set to off.
System Exclusive Messages (Universal Non-Real Time Messages)
*1 Changed to XG, and output.
System Exclusive Messages (2)
Not Received when Receive Parameter SysEx is set to off.
Not transmitted when Transmit Parameter SysEx is set to off.
System Exclusive Messages (XG)
26 1 NOT USED –––
27 1 NOT USED –––
28 1 NOT USED –––
29 1 NOT USED –––
2A 1 NOT USED –––
2B 1 NOT USED –––
2C 1 NOT USED –––
2D 1 NOT USED –––
Application Range
MIDI, Internal Sequencer
MIDI Event Data Format
MIDI Reception MIDI Transmission
GM1 System On F0 7E XN 09 01 F7
11110000 F0 = Exclusive status
01111110 7E = Universal Non-Real Time
0xxxnnnn XN = When N is received N=0-F, whichever is received. X=ignored
00001001 09 = Sub-ID #1 = General MIDI Message
00000001 01 = Sub-ID #2 = General MIDI On
11110111 F7 = End of Exclusive
[GM1] [GM2] 
General MIDI System
F0 7E XN 09 02 F7
11110000 F0 = Exclusive status
01111110 7E = Universal Non-Real Time
0xxxnnnn XN = When N is received N=0-F, whichever is received. X=ignored
00001001 09 = Sub-ID #1 = General MIDI Message
00000010 02 = Sub-ID #2 = General MIDI Off
11110111 F7 = End of Exclusive
[GM1] [GM2] 
Application Range
MIDI, Internal Sequencer
MIDI Event Data Format
MIDI Reception MIDI Transmission
XG Parameter Change F0 43 1n 4C hh mm ll dd ... F7
11110000 F0 = Exclusive status
01000011 43 = YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1n = Device Number n=always 0 (when transmit), n=0-F (when receive)
01001100 4C = Model ID
0hhhhhhh hh = Address High
0mmmmmmm mm= Address Mid
0lllllll ll = Address Low
0ddddddd dd = Data
... ...
11110111 F7 = End of Exclusive
*Refer to
Parameter Change
Tab le .
*Refer to Parameter Change
Tab le.
XG Bulk Dump F0 43 0n 4C aa bb hh mm ll dd ... dd cc F7
11110000 F0 = Exclusive status
01000011 43 = YAMAHA ID
0000nnnn 0n = Device Number n=always 0 (when transmit), n=0-F (when receive)
01001100 4C = Model ID
0aaaaaaa aa = Byte Count MSB
0bbbbbbb bb = Byte Count LSB
0hhhhhhh hh = Address High
0mmmmmmm mm= Address Mid
0lllllll ll = Address Low
0ddddddd dd = Data
: :
0ddddddd dd = Data
0ccccccc cc = Checksum
11110111 F7 = End of Exclusive
*Refer to
Parameter Change
Tab le .
*Refer to Parameter Change
Tab le.