User Manual

Using 01V96 Editor
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01V96i Editor—Owner’s Manual
Other Functions
Copy & Paste Function
You can copy and paste the channel parameters.
In the Console Setup window (page 3), you can also specify the parameters to be copied.
The following table describes how to use the Copy & Paste function.
Resetting to the default value (Ctrl ( ) + click)
Move the cursor to a control or a parameter value, then hold down the <Ctrl> key ( ) and click
the mouse button to reset the value to the default (e.g., to reset an Input Channel fader to –×, or
reset a pan setting to Center).
Ctrl( )+Shift+Click
Move the cursor to a fader or AUX Send control, then hold down the <Ctrl> key ([ ]) and <Shift>
key and click the mouse button to reset the value to the nominal level.
Copying a channel Right-click (<control>+click) a copy source channel, then choose [Copy].
Pasting a channel
Right-click (<control>+click) the copy destination channel, then choose