User Manual

Appendix MIDI Data Format
MIDI Data Format
If you are familiar with MIDI, or are using a computer to control your music software with computer-
generated MIDI messages, the data provided in this section can help you to control your Disklavier.
Messages include those that can be received by the piano part and/or those that can be received by an
ESBL part. Messages that can be transmitted as well as received are shown as “transmitted.”
1.1 Key On / Key Off
(Piano Part, ESBL Part) (transmitted)
Piano Part reception note range = A-1~C7 : C3=60
ESBL part reception note range = C-2~G8
Velocity range = 1~127 (Only the Key On velocity is received)
1.2 Control Change
1.2.1 Bank Select
(ESBL Part) (transmitted)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
0 Bank Select MSB 0: Normal,
63: User voice,
64: SFX,
126: SFX kit,
127: Drum
32 Bank Select LSB 0...127
You can select the Voice banks with MSB and LSB numbers.
MSB and LSB functions differently depending on the play mode.
In XG mode, MSB numbers select Voice type (Normal Voice or
Drum Voice), and LSB number select Voice banks.
In TG300B mode, LSB is fixed, and MSB numbers select Voice
(See Normal Voice List Drum Voice List.)
A new bank selection will not become effective until the next
Program Change message is received.
1.2.2 Modulation
(ESBL Part)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
1 Modulation 0...127
1.2.3 Portamento Time
(ESBL Part)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
5 Portamento Time 0...127
When the parameter 1.2.9 Portamento = ON, values will adjust
the speed of pitch change.
A setting of 0 - minimum portamento time, and 127 - maximum
portamento time.
1.2.4 Data Entry
(ESBL Part)
Messages which set the value for the parameter specified by
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
6 Data Entry MSB 0...127
38 Data Entry LSB 0...127
Parameter value is determined by combining MSB and LSB.
1.2.5 Main Volume
(Piano Part, ESBL Part) (transmitted)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
7 Main Volume 0...127
1.2.6 Pan
(ESBL Part)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
10 Pan 0...127
1.2.7 Expression
(Piano Part, ESBL Part)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
11 Expression 0...127
1.2.8 Hold1
(Piano Part, ESBL Part) (transmitted)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
64 Hold1 0...127
(0-63:off, 64-127:on)
1.2.9 Portamento
(ESBL Part)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
65 Portamento 0...127
(0-63:off, 64-127:on)
1.2.10 Sostenuto
(Piano Part, ESBL Part) (transmitted)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
66 Sostenuto 0...127
(0-63:off, 64-127:on)
1.2.11 Soft Pedal
(Piano Part, ESBL Part) (transmitted)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
67 Soft Pedal 0...127
(0-63:off, 64-127:on)
1.2.12 Harmonic Content
(ESBL Part)
Messages which adjust the resonance set for each Voice.
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
71 Harmonic Content 0...127
(0:-64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
Higher values will result in a more characteristic, resonant sound.
Depending on the Voice, the effective range may be narrower
than the range available for adjustment.
1.2.13 Release Time
(ESBL Part)
Messages which adjust the envelope release time set for each
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
72 Release Time 0...127
(0:-64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
1.2.14 Attack Time
(ESBL Part)
Messages which adjust the envelope attack time set for each
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
73 Attack Time 0...127
(0:-64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
1.2.15 Brightness
(ESBL Part)
Messages which adjust the filter cutoff frequency set for each
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
74 Brightness 0...127
(0:-64, 64:+0, 127:+63)
1.2.16 Portamento Control
(ESBL Part)
Messages which apply a portamento between the currently-
sounding note and the subsequent note.
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
84 Portamento Control 0...127
1.2.17 Effect1 Depth (Reverb Send Level)
(ESBL Part)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
91 Effect1 Depth 0...127