
MIDI Data Format
1.2.18 Effect3 Depth (Chorus Send Level)
(ESBL Part)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
93 Effect3 Depth 0...127
1.2.19 Effect4 Depth (Variation Effect Send Level)
(ESBL Part)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
94 Effect4 Depth 0...127
1.2.20 Data Increment / Decrement (for RPN)
(ESBL Part)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
96 RPN Increment 0...127
97 RPN Decrement 0...127
1.2.21 NRPN (Non-Registered Parameter Number)
(ESBL Part)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
98 NRPN LSB 0...127
99 NRPN MSB 0...127
First send the NRPN MSB and NRPN LSB to specify the
parameter which is to be controlled. Then use Data Entry to set
the value of the specified parameter.
* Note that once the NRPN has been set for a channel subsequent
data entry will be recognized as the same NRPN’s value change.
Therefore, after you use the NRPN, you should set a Null (7FH,
7FH) value to avoid an unexpected result.
The following NRPN number can be received.
NRPN Data entry
$01 $08 $mm Vibrato Rate
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$01 $09 $mm Vibrato Depth
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$01 $0A $mm Vibrato Delay
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$01 $20 $mm Filter Cutoff Frequency
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$01 $21 $mm Filter Resonance
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$01 $63 $mm EG Attack Time
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$01 $64 $mm EG Decay Time
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$01 $66 $mm EG Release Time
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
$14 $rr $mm Drum Filter Cutoff Frequency
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
$15 $rr $mm Drum Filter Resonance
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
$16 $rr $mm Drum EG Attack
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
$17 $rr $mm Drum EG Decay Rate
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
Applies to both Decay1 and 2.
$18 $rr $mm Drum Instrument Pitch Coarse
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
$19 $rr $mm Drum Instrument Pitch Fine
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (-64 - 0 - +63)
rr : drum instrument note number
$1A $rr $mm Drum Instrument Level
mm : $00 - $7F (0 - max)
rr : drum instrument note number
$1C $rr $mm Drum Instrument Pan
mm : $00 - $40 - $7F (random, left -
center - right)
rr : drum instrument note number
$1D $rr $mm Drum Instrument Reverb Send Level
mm : $00 - $7F (0 -max)
rr : drum instrument note number
$1E $rr $mm Drum Instrument Chorus Send Level
mm : $00 - $7F (0 - max)
rr : drum instrument note number
$1F $rr $mm Drum Instrument Variation Send
mm : $00 - $7F (0 - max)
rr : drum instrument note number
MSB 14H- 1FH (for Drum) is valid only if the Multi Part
parameter PART MODE = DRUMS 1 or DRUMS2 for that
channel. (If PART MODE = DRUM, no values will be changed.)
1.2.22 RPN (Registered Parameter Number)
(ESBL Part)
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
100 RPN LSB 0...127
101 RPN MSB 0...127
The following RPN numbers can be received.
RPN Data entry
00H 00H mmH Pitch Bend Sensitivity
mm:00-18H (0-24 chromatic steps)
Assignable in chromatic steps up to 2
Default : 02H
LSB value is ignored.
00H 01H mmH 11H Fine Tuning
mm: 00H-40H-7FH (-64-0-+63)
00H 02H mmH Coarse Tuning
mm: 28H - 40H - 58H (-24 - +24
chromatic steps)
LSB value is ignored.
7FH 7FH RPN null
Cancels RPN and NRPN numbers
1.2.23 Channel Mode Messages
The following Channel Mode Messages can be received.
2nd byte 3rd byte
120 0 All Sound Off
121 0 Reset All Controllers
123 0 All Note Off
124 0 Omni Off
125 0 Omni On
126 0 ~ 16 Mono
127 0 Poly All Sound Off
(Piano Part, ESBL Part) (transmitted)
ESBL part;
Terminates all sounds currently sounding on the specified
channel. However, the status of channel messages such as
Note On and Hold On is maintained.
Piano Part;
The status of channel messages is not maintained. Reset All Controllers
(ESBL Part)
The values of the following controllers will be reset to the
Pitch Bend Change ±O (center)
Channel Aftertouch 0 (off)
Polyphonic Aftertouch 0 (off)
Modulation 0 (off)
Expression 127 (max)
Hold l 0 (off)
Portamento 0 (off)
Sostenuto 0 (off)
Soft Pedal 0 (off)