
Video Synchronization
For details on video synchronized
recording, see Chapter 9 “Video
Synchronization – Video
Synchronized Recording” on
page 71.
You can enjoy piano playback with the video recorded on the DVD
Perform the video synchronized recording in advance.
Be sure to rewind the video cassette
to locate the beginning of the
recording. It may take some time
before piano playback starts if you
start playback halfway through the
Make sure that the OMNI IN setting is set to “AutoDetect”.
Turn down the volume completely on the TV if you
connect the audio output of the DVD recorder to the TV.
When using the song copied to the
USB flash memory, it may take
some time until the Disklavier
control unit recognizes the
information for synchronization.
Turn down the volume completely on the camcorder if you use the
camcorder only.
See “Setting for Video
Synchronized Recording” on
page 71.
Start playback on the DVD recorder.
Start playback on the camcorder if you use the camcorder only.
If the piano playing is not
synchronized with the video picture,
adjust the offset time for
synchronization. See Chapter 12
“Enhancing the Disklavier by
Hooking Up Other Devices –
Setting the Disklavier Control Unit
for Audio Data Reception/
Transmission” on page 113.
The Disklavier control unit automatically searches and selects the
song paired with the video, and then starts playback as well.
If noises (synchronized signal) are
heard during video synchronized
playback, turn down the signal level
and re-record. See Chapter 12
“Enhancing the Disklavier by
Hooking Up Other Devices –
Setting the Disklavier Control Unit
for Audio Data Reception/
Transmission” on page 113.
You cannot operate the Disklavier
using the front panel or remote
control during video synchronized
playback. If you want to stop
playback of the song, stop playback
on the DVD recorder (or the
Video Synchronized Playback