Owner's Manual

106 Chapter 12—Common Channel Functions
DM2000—Owner’s Manual
Attenuating Signals
Input Channels, Bus Outs, Aux Sends, Matrix Sends, and the Stereo Out all feature pre-EQ
attenuation, which is useful for attenuating “hot” signals before EQ’ing.
1 Use the LAYER buttons to select Layers, and use the [SEL] buttons to select
2 Use the ATT control to set the amount of attenuation.
Attenuator Pages
Attenuator settings can be viewed and set on the Attenuator pages.
1 Use the EQUALIZER [DISPLAY] button to select the Attenuator pages.
The Attenuator parameters for the 96 Input Channels are arranged into four pages. The
Input Channel 1–24 Attenuator/Shifter page is shown below. The layout of the other three
pages is the same.
The attenuator parameters for the Output Channels appear on the Output Attenuator page.
2 Use the cursor buttons to select the channels, and use the Parameter wheel
or INC/DEC buttons to set the amount of attenuation.
Input and Output Channels can also be selected by using the LAYER and [SEL] buttons.
You can copy the currently selected Input or Output Channel attenuation setting to all
Input or Output Channels respectively by double-clicking the [ENTER] button.
For Input Channels, you can also set the amount of attenuation in bits from +2 bits to –24
bits. Use the cursor buttons to select the bit shift parameters, and use the Parameter wheel
or INC/DEC buttons to set them. The rotary attenuators and the bit shift parameters can
be set independently.