Owner's Manual

Libraries 139
DM2000—Owner’s Manual
14 Libraries
About the Libraries
The DM2000 features 11 libraries for storing Automix, Effects, Channel, Input Patch, Out-
put Patch, GEQ, Bus to Stereo, Gate, Comp, EQ, and Surround Monitor data.
Library data can be stored to an external MIDI device, such as a MIDI data filer, by using
MIDI Bulk Dump (see page 187). It can also be stored to SmartMedia (see page 231).
General Library Operation
Since most library functions are the same for each library, rather than explain them several
times, they’re explained only here for conciseness.
1 Locate the various library pages as explained in the following sections.
The Input Patch Library page shown below is used here for explanation purposes.
2 Use the Parameter wheel or INC/DEC buttons to select the memories.
A memory is selected when it appears inside the dotted box.
3 Use the cursor buttons to select the following page buttons.
TITLE EDIT: To edit the title of the selected memory, select this and press [ENTER]. When
the Title Edit window appears, edit the title, and press OK when you’ve finished. See “Title
Edit Window” on page 38 for more information.
RECALL: To recall the contents of the selected memory, select this and press [ENTER]. If
the Recall Confirmation preference is on, a confirmation window appears before the con-
tents are recalled.
STORE: To store settings to the selected memory, select this and press [ENTER]. When the
Title Edit window appears, enter a title, and press OK. See Title Edit Window” on page 38
for more information. You can stop the Title Edit window from appearing by turning off
the Store Confirmation preference on page 235.
CLEAR: To delete the contents and title of the selected memory, select this and press
[ENTER]. A confirmation window appears before the memory is cleared.
Read-only preset memories have an “R icon next to their name. You cannot store, clear, or
edit the title of these memories.
Empty memories have the title “No Data!” Memory #0 is a read-only memory that you can
recall to reset settings to their initial values.