Owner's Manual

Editing Events Offline 181
DM2000—Owner’s Manual
CAPTURE button: This button is used to capture the current timecode position. Up to
eight timecode values can be captured and stored in the eight Capture memories. Use the
cursor buttons to select the Capture memory number, and use the Parameter wheel or the
INC/DEC buttons to select the Capture memories. Capture memories can be selected even
while the CAPTURE, LOCATE, or INSERT button is selected.
If the Auto Inc TC capture preference is on (see page 237), Capture memories increment
automatically each time a timecode position is captured.
If the Link Capture & Locate Memory preference is on (see page 237), the eight Capture
memories are linked to the eight Locate memories so that, for example, edits made to Cap-
ture memory #1 are reflected on Locate memory #1, and vice versa.
Capture memory display: This displays the captured timecode position. The captured
timecode values can be edited by using the Parameter wheel or the INC/DEC buttons. Press
the [ENTER] button to reset the currently selected digits to “00.
LOCATE button: This button is used to locate events at the Capture memory display
INSERT button: This button is used to insert new events. Use the Event select buttons to
select the type of event that you want to insert. Use the Captured timecode counter to spec-
ify the point at which you want to insert the new event. Select the INSERT button, and then
press [ENTER].