Owner's Manual

Arming Machine Tracks 225
DM2000—Owner’s Manual
These points can also be set on-the-fly, so long as the DM2000 is receiving timecode. To do
this, while holding down the LOCATOR [SET] button, press the [1–8], [IN], [OUT], or
[RTZ] button.
PREROLL TIME: In conjunction with the in point, this determines the position that will
be located when the LOCATOR [PRE] button is pressed. For example, if the in point is
00:01:00.00 and the pre-roll time is 5 seconds, 00:00:55.00 will be located.
POSTROLL TIME: In conjunction with the out point, this determines the position that
will be located when the LOCATOR [POST] button is pressed. For example, if the out point
is 00:01:00.00 and the post-roll time is 5 seconds, 00:01:05.00 will be located.
ROLLBACK TIME: This determines how many seconds the machines roll back from the
current position when the LOCATOR [ROLL BACK] button is pressed.
Arming Machine Tracks
The TRACK ARMING section can be used to arm tracks on external machines.
[1–24] buttons
These buttons are used to arm tracks on the external MTR and Master machines. Their
indicators light up when tracks are armed. These buttons can be configured to arm any
track of any machine. See “Configuring MTR Track Arming” on page 226 and “Configuring
Master Track Arming” on page 226 for more information.
These buttons are used to select track arming groups A, B, C, and D. The indicator of the
currently selected group lights up. Track arming groups can be used only with P2 machines.
See “Configuring Track Arming Groups on page 227 for more information.
[ALL CLEAR] button
This button is used to clear all track arming on the external machines.
[MASTER] button
This button is used to select the MTR or Master machines for track arming. When its button
indicator is off, the TRACK ARMING section controls machines set to MTR. When the but-
ton indicator is lit, the TRACK ARMING section controls machines set to MASTER. See
“Configuring Machines” on page 220.
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