Owner's Manual

228 Chapter 20—Remote Control
DM2000—Owner’s Manual
GPI (General Purpose Interface)
The DM2000’s CONTROL port (25-pin D-sub connector) provides
a GPI (General Purpose Interface) for controlling external equip-
ment. Pinouts are provided on page 315. The eight GPI outputs can
be configured so that they output trigger signals when faders or
USER DEFINED KEYS are operated. The GPI can also be used to
control a “RECORDING” warning light outside a studio, or to trigger
the Solo function of a Yamaha 02R Digital Recording Console.
1 Use the DISPLAY ACCESS [SETUP] button to select the GPI page.
The names of the parameters currently assigned to each GPI Output are displayed in the
left-hand box. The parameter currently assigned to the selected GPI Output appears high-
lighted in the right-hand box.
2 Use the Up/Down cursor buttons to select a GPI Output.
3 Use the Parameter wheel or the INC/DEC buttons to select a function.
A function is selected when it appears inside the dotted box.
See the “GPI Trigger Source List” on page 261 for a complete list of assignable functions.
4 Press the [ENTER] button to assign your choice.
Once assigned, the selected function appears highlighted in the right-hand box.
Faders: Faders can be used to control external equipment. A FADER ON event occurs
when a fader is moved up from –. A FADER OFF event occurs when a fader is moved
down to –. When such an event occurs, the assigned GPI Output goes High (open) for
approximately 250 msec.
USER DEFINED KEYS: These buttons can be used as general-purpose triggers. For
UNLATCH, when a USER DEFINED KEY is pressed, the assigned GPI Output goes High
(open) for approximately 250 msec. For LATCH, when a USER DEFINED KEY is pressed,
the assigned GPI Output goes High (open) and remains High until the USER DEFINED
KEY is pressed again.
REC LAMP: This source can be used to control a “RECORDING” warning light outside a
studio. When the [REC] button indicator is lit, the assigned GPI Output goes High (open).
POWER ON: While the DM2000 is powered up, the assigned GPI output is High (open).
The DM2000 also features two fixed GPI inputs for use with talkback and dimmer. Each
time the GPI0 input goes Low (ground), the TALKBACK button is turned on or off. Each
time the GPI1 input goes Low (ground), the DIMMER button is turned on or off.
Important note: GPI outputs are open collector outputs. GPI inputs have an internal pull-up
to 5 V.