Owner's Manual

Controlling AD824 A/D Converters 229
DM2000—Owner’s Manual
Controlling AD824 A/D Converters
You can control the Gain and Phantom On/Off parameters of up to 12
Yamaha AD824 A/D Converters from the DM2000 by connecting them to the
DM2000’s REMOTE port using a 9-pin reversed cable. Pinouts are provided
on page 315.
Configuring the REMOTE Port & Assigning Slots to AD824 IDs
The REMOTE port can be configured, and Slots assigned to AD824 IDs as follows.
1 Use the DISPLAY ACCESS [SETUP] button to select the Remote Port Setup
2 Use the cursor buttons to select the REMOTE FUNCTION AD824 button, and
then press [ENTER].
3 Use the cursor buttons to select the AD824 SLOT parameters, and use the
Parameter wheel or INC/DEC buttons to select the Slots.
The number of available IDs depends on the number of AD824s connected to the DM2000.
Controlling AD824s from the DM2000
Connected AD824s are controlled from the AD824 Gain/Phantom Control page.
1 Use the SELECTED CHANNEL PHASE/INSERT [DISPLAY] button to select the
AD824 Gain/Phantom Control page.
2 Use the cursor buttons to select the ID of the AD824 that you want to control,
and then press [ENTER].
3 Use the rotary controls to set the gain of each AD824 channel, and use the
+48V buttons to turn phantom power on or off for each channel.
Gain parameter settings (not Phantom) are stored in Scenes.