Owner's Manual

234 Chapter 21—Other Functions
DM2000—Owner’s Manual
Setting Preferences
You can customize the operation of the DM2000 by using the preferences pages.
Preferences 1
1 Use the DISPLAY ACCESS [SETUP] button to locate the Preferences 1 page.
2 Use the cursor buttons or Parameter wheel to select the preferences, and
use the INC/DEC buttons or [ENTER] button to set them.
Auto ROUTING Display: When this preference is on, the Routing pages appear auto-
matically when a button in the SELECTED CHANNEL ROUTING section is pressed (see
page 75).
Auto PHASE/INSERT Display: When this preference is on, the Phase pages appear
automatically when the Phase [ ] button in the SELECTED CHANNEL PHASE/INSERT
section is pressed (see page 68), and the Insert page appears automatically when the
SELECTED CHANNEL PHASE/INSERT [INSERT ON] button is pressed (see page 111).
Auto DELAY Display: When this option is on, the Delay pages appear automatically
when a control in the SELECTED CHANNEL DELAY section is operated (see page 117).
Auto AUX/MATRIX Display: When this preference is on, the Aux View pages appear
automatically when a SELECTED CHANNEL AUX/MATRIX SEND control is operated
while an Input Channel is selected (see page 92), and the Matrix View page appears auto-
matically when a SELECTED CHANNEL AUX/MATRIX SEND control is operated while a
Bus Out, Aux Send, or the Stereo Out is selected (see page 99).
Auto DYNAMICS Display: When this preference is on, the Gate Edit page appears auto-
matically when a gate control in the SELECTED CHANNEL DYNAMICS section is oper-
ated (see page 69), and the Comp Edit page appears automatically when a Compressor
control in the SELECTED CHANNEL DYNAMICS section is operated (see page 113).
Auto PAN/SURROUND Display: When this preference is on, the Pan pages appears
automatically when a control in the SELECTED CHANNEL PAN/SURROUND section is
operated (see page 76). Similarly, when a Surround Pan mode other than Stereo is selected,
the Input Channel Surround Edit page appears automatically when the Joystick is operated
(see page 79).
Auto EQUALIZER Display: When this preference is on, the EQ Edit page appears auto-
matically when a control in the SELECTED CHANNEL EQUALIZER section is operated
(see page 109).
Auto SOLO Display: When this option is on, the Solo Setup page appears automatically
when an channel is soloed (see page 119).
Auto WORD CLOCK Display: When this preference is on, the Word Clock Select page
appears automatically if the currently selected external wordclock source fails (see page 51).