Owner's Manual

Soloing Input Channels 81
DM2000—Owner’s Manual
Soloing Input Channels
Input Channels can be soloed. See page 118 for more information.
Direct Outs
Each Input Channel features a Direct Out, which can be patched to the Slot Outputs, Omni
Outs, or the 2TR Digital Outputs. Direct Out signals can be sourced pre-EQ, pre-fader, or
post-fader. See “Patching Direct Outs” on page 65 and “Routing Input Channels” on
page 75 for more information.
Pairing Input Channels
Horizontal or vertical Input Channel partners can be paired for stereo operation. See “Pair-
ing Channels” on page 120 for more information.
Using MS Decoding
When Input Channels are paired, MS Decoding can be used to decode signals from micro-
phones arranged as MS pairs. MS Decoding is set on the Input Channel Pair pages. See
“Pairing Channels” on page 120 for more information.
Viewing Input Channel Settings
Parameter and fader settings for each Input Channel can be viewed on the View pages. See
“Viewing Channel Parameter Settings on page 124 and “Viewing Channel Fader Settings”
on page 125 for more information.
Copying Input Channel Settings
Input Channel settings can be copied to other Input Channels by using the Channel Copy
function. See “Copying Channel Settings” on page 129 for more information.
Naming Input Channels
Input Channels can be named for easy identification. See “Naming Channels on page 130
for more information.