Owner's Manual

Chapter 3 Main Panel Window
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
The DME64N has sixteen GPI OUT ports, the DME24N has eight, and the DME Satellite has four.
These settings determine which DME parameter values will be output via each individual GPI IN
ports. The ports numbers are shown in the leftmost column.
Specifies the function to be transmitted via a GPI output.
The six available functions are: [No Assign], [Parameter Value Edit], [Scene Change], [GPI Lock],
[Direct Parameter Value], and [Audio Detector].
The [Parameter], [Threshold], [Terminal], and [Polarity] items will change according to the selected
•[No Assign]
No function assigned, and no GPI output will occur. This is the default setting.
Select [No Assign] to clear an assigned function.
The [Parameter], [Threshold], [Terminal], and [Polarity] items are not available.
[Parameter Value Edit]
Allows component parameter values to be output via GPI.
[Parameter] selects the parameter to be output via the GPI OUT terminals.
[Threshold] specifies the parameter threshold value.
[Terminal] and [Polarity] determine how the GPI voltage will be output in response to
parameter changes.
Terminal Polarity GPI Output
Ignored When value of the specified parameter is above the threshold level the output
will be high, and when below the threshold level the output will be low.
Ignored When value of the specified parameter is below the threshold level the output
will be high, and when above the threshold level the output will be low.
A pulse
will be output when the value of the parameter changes from below
to above the threshold.
A pulse
will be output when the value of the parameter changes from above
to below the threshold.
A pulse
will be output when the value of the parameter changes from below
to above the threshold.
A pulse
will be output when the value of the parameter changes from above
to below the threshold.