Owner's Manual

DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Changes from V3.8 to V4.0
New Features
The MY4-AEC card can now be selected for I/O card slots. AEC components, which are available
when the card is installed, have been added.
The “Partial Recall” function has been added. Scenes can now be recalled on a per component
basis. By utilizing both Recall Safe and the new Partial Recall functions, components to be
recalled or not recalled can now be selected precisely.
Configurations can now be duplicated in the “Configuration Manager” window.
In the Main Panel window, configuration names are now displayed, and configurations may be
The VS4, VS6, and NS-IC600 can now be specified as external devices.
The Remote V3.5 tab and the MIDI V3.5 tab in the “Utility” dialog box have been deleted.
The [Cancel] button has been added in the “Project File has been modified. Save?” dialog box
which is displayed before closing DME Designer to cancel closing procedure.
Fixed Bugs
Fixed a problem in which SP2060 configurations could be edited when the “Configuration
Manager” dialog box was opened via [Tools] menu [Configuration Manager] item.
Fixed a problem in which configurations could be edited while online when the “Configuration
Manager” dialog box was opened via the context menu displayed by right clicking a DME object
in the Designer window.
Fixed a problem in which the compiling procedure would occasionally complete successfully
even though an error should occur when an IN port was connected to multiple OUT ports.
Fixed a problem in which the compiling procedure would occasionally not complete when
compiling was executed on a complex configuration with multiple SPX components.
Fixed a problem in which the compiling procedure would occasionally not complete when
compiling was executed on a complex configuration having an SPX component with an output
connected to any other component.
Fixed a problem in which the [+48V Master] indicator didn't light in the AD8HR component editor.
Fixed a problem in which DME Designer could occasionally freeze when closing the application
by means other than clicking [Exit] in the [File] menu of the Main Panel window.
Fixed a problem in which parameter links remained functional for parameters of different types
which should not be linked after the effect type was changed for an SPX component having
linked parameters.
Fixed problems in which Scene Store and Recall functions might not work when Parameter Link
settings were no longer appropriate due to editing the Configuration.
V4.0 Precautions
Use DME Designer V4.0 with DME64N/24N or DME Satellite units running firmware V4.0 or later,
and SP2060 units running firmware V1.2 or later.
Use the latest DME Designer to update the DME firmware to the latest version.
DME Designer V4.0 cannot be used to update firmware V3.5 or earlier to V4.0 or later, or to
downgrade from V4.0 or later to V3.5 or earlier (this does not apply to the SP2060 or ICP1).
Contact your Yamaha dealer.
The DME firmware V3.8 can be updated to V4.0 using DME Designer V4.0.