Owner's Manual

Chapter 4 Designer
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
[Date] Box and [Revisions] Box
You can enter up to five dates and five revisions. You can enter up to 100 English characters for
each field.
[Legend Base Font Style]
Displays a list where you can select the font.
[Show Legend]
Place a checkmark here to display the legend on the sheet.
[Save as Default Legend]
Saves this legend as the default legend used when a new sheet is created. When a new
configuration is created, it will have a legend with the same contents as this one.
[Change for All Legends In Area]
Place a checkmark here to have the changes made here reflected in sheets in all design windows
included in the area.
[OK] Button
Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box.
[Cancel] Button
Closes the dialog box without changing the settings.