Owner's Manual

Chapter 4 Designer
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Moving Line Segments
To move a line segment, select the nodes on both sides of the segment, and drag one of the
Connecting to Other Wires
If you drag a node and lay it over another wire, the two will be connected at that position. If you
drag it to a line segment, a node will be created.
Logical connection
A connection from a source (output side) signal to a destination (input side) signal is called alogical
connection.” If a logical connection is present in a configuration, the actual hardware signal will be
connected. A single wire can make a single logical connection.
Logical connections are possible only in the Configuration window and the User Module window.
Wires in the Area window or Zone window can be drawn for display only. Even in the Configuration
window and User Module window, you can also draw wires for display only.
Situations Where No Logical Connection Is Created
Both sides are source (output side) signals
Both sides are destination (input side) signals
Two source (output side) signals are connected to a destination
There are two destination (input side) signals, and the wire is not connected to a source (output
side) signal.
Window Wire
Area Window Drawing for display only
Zone Window Drawing for display only
Configuration Window Logical connection and drawing for display only
User Module Window Logical connection and drawing for display only
Created Node