Owner's Manual

Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Files Used by the DME DESIGNER
The following files are used by the DME designer application.
Project Files
Systems built with DME Designer are saved as project files. Project files have “.daf” as the extension
for their filenames.
These files include settings for the area, zones, device groups, configurations, and each parameter.
Since only one project file can be open at a time, before you can open a second file, the first one must
be closed.
The commands for opening project files, creating new ones, and saving them, are found in the [File]
menu of the Main Panel window.
Creating New Project Files
Project files are created using the [File] menu [New] command in the Main Panel window.
1 Click [File] menu [New] in the Main Panel window.
Since the currently open project file must be closed before a new one can be created, a “Project
file has been modified. Save?” dialog box will be displayed.
2 To save the file, click [Yes]. the File Save dialog box will be displayed.
If you click [Yes], the File Save dialog box will be displayed.
A new project file will be created.
Name Description Extension
Project File Stores information relating to the entire project. .daf
DME Data File Stores information for independent DME or SP2060 units. .ddf
Library File Stores component parameters. .cel
Stores user control parameters. .ucl
Stores user module parameters. .uml
Stores user modules. .umf
Stores SP2060 libraries. .llf
Wave List File Stores the Wav File Manager list. .dwl
DME Backup File Stores DME or SP2060 backup data to a file. .dbk
SP2060 Backup File Stores SP2060 unit data as SP2060 Backup file. .spb
DME Designer All File Stores the project file, library data files, and all DME Designer settings at