User Manual

3. Command Specifications
3.1 Basic Command Specifications
A command type transmitted between the DME and the Remote Controller is in the following format:
<Command name> <Option 1> <Option 2> … <Option n><Line feed>
- LF (0 x 0A) will be needed at the end of a command as a line feed code.
- At least one space will be needed between a command name and an option or between options.
- A command must consist of only ASCII character strings. Other character strings cannot be used.
- Optional character strings for parameter values are shown in the following table.
-Inf -13801
-18dB -1800
-6.5dB -650
0dB 0
10dB 1000
2kHz 2000
400Hz 400
Pan L 63 -63
Pan Cente
Pan R 63 +63
ON 1
Character strings such as "ON" or "HARD" are not returned as a parameter value.
- A fader parameter value will take the following character strings using a curve table method.
(See chapter 1.4.1 for details on curve table methods and the Appendix at the end for values in dB and the character strings.)
A table for a fader of which maximum is 0 dB A table for a fader of which maximum is 10 dB
-Inf 0 -Inf 0
-60dB 173 -60dB 123
-40dB 323 -40dB 223
-30dB 423 -30dB 323
-20dB 623 -20dB 423
-10dB 823 -10dB 623
0dB 1023 0dB 823
10dB 1023
3.2 Command Notified to Remote Controller from the DME
3.2.1 Parameter Control Command
1) PRM: Used to change a parameter other than a fader parameter, and a fader using a dB method.
2) VOL: Used to change a fader using a curve table method.
Command Option
PRM 0 [index] [parameter value]
VOL 0 [index] [level value]
The command names stand for "Parameter" and "Volume" respectively.
These commands will be sent from the DME when a parameter registered in Remote Control Setup List of DME Designer is changed
- The first option will always take "0." It can be ignored for the controller; it is reserved for future extensions to the command.
- [index], [parameter value] and [level value] should have appropriate character strings.
- A space will be needed between the command and the option, and between the options.
E.g.) A character string sent from the DME when a parameter for an index of 3 (using a dB method) is changed to -20dB.
PRM 0 3 -2000
OL 0 4 423
Values Character string
A character string sent from the DME when a parameter for an index of 4 (using a curve table method, 10dB at
the maximum) is changed to -20dB.
Values Character strings
Values Character strings
DME Remote Control Protocol Specifications V3.1