User Manual

Chapter 4 Designer
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Head Margin
Sets the CASCADE bus signal head margin. This setting only applies when the unit is cascade
connected to a mixer. Since Yamaha provides a CASCADE bus head margin of 18 dB, this
parameter should normally be set to “-18dB”.
The margin for cascade connected DME64N units is always “-18dB” regardless of the setting. The
head margin settings for DME64N units other than the first unit are automatically set to the same
value as the first unit when cascade connections are made, and are thereafter grayed out and can’t
be changed.
No head margin is provided when a cascade connected PM5D is set up to send the slot output
signals via its CASCADE OUT terminal, so the Head Margin parameter must be set to “0dB”.
Mixer I/O Channel
Determines whether a direct cascade connection between a DME64N unit and mixer will be
bidirectional (bus sharing) or not on a channel-by-channel basis. Make sure that the checkboxes
for cascade connected DME64N units are all set the same. The settings are matched automatically
when DME64N units are connected via their [CAS IN] and [CAS OUT] terminals in the Zone
OFF: The connection with other DME64N units is bus sharing bidirectional. Since the mixer does
not support bidirectional connection the connection between the mixer and DME64N unit is
unidirectional CASCADE IN -> CASCADE OUT, regardless of the checkbox setting.
ON: The connection with other DME64N units is unidirectional CASCADE IN -> CASCADE OUT. For
DME64N units connected between two other DME64N units the connection is internally set to
bidirectional, regardless of the checkbox setting.
[Check All] Button
Checks all checkboxes.
[Clear All] Button
Clears all checkboxes.
When multiple DME64N units are cascade connected, each additional unit introduces a delay of
a few samples that is automatically compensated for. The Unit No. settings determine the
amount of automatic compensation to be applied for each unit.
The following settings are made automatically when cascade connections are made, regardless of the checkbox setting.
• DME64N unit between two other DME64N units: bidirectional.
• DME64N between two mixers: unidirectional.
• One mixer connected to one DME64N unit: unidirectional.
Device group 1
Unit No.1
Unit No.2
Device group 2
Unit No.3
Unit No.4
Unit No.1
Unit No.2