User Manual

Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Users and Security
You can create multiple users in DME Designer and set the functions that are available to each user.
Although users who will design and put together installations must be able to use all the functions of
DME Designer, users who will only operate the system can be restricted to functions that will not allow
them to accidentally change the settings.
DME Designer is used with one user at a time logged on. To change the user, click the [File] menu
[Log Off] command on the Main Panel window.
About Users
To use DME Designer, you must logon when you start the software. Except for the first time the
software is started or when separate settings are made for the first time, you can logon by specifying
the name and password for a user that has been set as the administrator. The administrator can build
the system as a whole, or apply function limitations that let other people edit. Administrators or other
people that can use DME Designer are called “users.” The user name for the currently logged on user
appears below [User] on the Main Panel window.
The default user, named [Administrator], is set to use all of the functions. Immediately after DME
Designer is installed, [Administrator] is the only user, and there is no password set.
Multiple users can be created. When the system administrator creates multiple users, restrictions can
be applied separately for each one of them. A user with restrictions applied can edit using only the
functions the administrator enables for him.
The place to create, setup, and delete users is the “Security” dialog box. See “Scene Manager” on
page 80.
Automatic Logging On
With the auto-logon function, you can have a specified user automatically logged on when the
application is started. If you enable the auto-logon feature, the specified user will be logged on when
the application is started, without displaying the “Log On” dialog box.
Auto-logon is set from the “Security” dialog box. See “Scene Manager” on page 80.
Currently Logged On User Name