User Manual

Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Exporting DME Designer All Files
1 Click [Export DME Designer All File] in the Main Panel Window [File] menu.
The “Select File for Export” dialog box will appear. Check the checkboxes of the files you want to export.
To select all the available files click the [Select All] button, or click [Clear All] to uncheck all the files.
2 Check the file(s) to be exported and click [OK].
The “Save As” dialog box will appear. This is the same as the “Save As” dialog box used when
saving project files, and details can be found in the “Saving Project Files” section on page 33.
3 Enter a file name, destination folder and, if necessary, security settings including ID and
password, then click the [Save] button.
Only wave and image files used by the currently open project file will be displayed. All user module templates will be
displayed under TemplateUserModule.
The project file and image files will always be exported, so their checkboxes cannot be removed. The DME Designer
settings will also always be exported, so they are not displayed here.