User Manual

Getting Started
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Window magnification and reduction can now be controlled via the mouse wheel while holding
the keyboard “Ctrl” key.
Horizontal scrolling can be controlled via the mouse wheel while holding the keyboard “Shift” key.
The Edit Mode on/off can now be changed from the tool bar. (page 163)
Scene information now appears in DME objects, and the Scene Manager can be launched from
the scene information display. (page 70)
An [On-line] button has been added to DME objects, and synchronization is now possible.
(page 50)
Sampling frequency display has been added to the resource meter window. (page 167)
Sampling frequency display has been added to the configuration window status bar. (page 277)
The sampling frequency is now displayed during analysis.
Double-clicking the component name now opens the properties window.
Organization of the Tool Kit window has been changed. (page 170)
•A [Draw Image] checkbox that displays or hides the worksheet background image file has been
added to the Sheet properties. (page 235)
[Configuration Manager] has been added to the contextual menu that appears when a DME or
SP2060 object is right-clicked. (page 191,page 200)
[Recall Component Library] and [Store Component Library] now appear in the contextual menu
that appears when a component is right-clicked, even when the Edit Mode is OFF.
The Compile Settings can now be edited for each DME unit. (page 195)
Only one Zone window is now provided for multiple configurations.
The [Export DXF] and [Preferences] commands have been moved from the [Print] menu to the
[Tools] menu.
[Configuration] has been changed to [Configuration Manager] in the [Tools] menu.
When [Prohibit Diagonal Connections] in the [Tools] menu is active it is possible to select 2
diagonal points and those points will automatically be connected by a combination of horizontal
and vertical wires.
Component Editor Window
•A [Level Meter Enable] command that displays or hides the meter values has been added to the
contextual menu. Hiding the meters can result in increased communication speed in some
cases. (page 333)
•A [Display Order] function that allows the order of the controllers to be changed as required has
been added to the User Control Editor and User Module Editor. (page 301)
An [Add Component to Component Link] command has been added to the controller contextual
menu.(page 342)
The registered group is now displayed in the [Add Parameter to Parameter Link] submenu of the
contextual menu of controllers registered for Parameter Link operation.(page 341)
Increased speed when selecting and dragging a large number of controllers in the User Control
Editor and User Module Editor
It is now possible to switch from the Navigator window to Zone display while online.
V2.0 Precautions
Please use DME Designer V2.0 with DME64N/24N V2.0 or higher, DME8i-C/DME8o-C/DME4io-C
V2.0 or higher, and SP2060 V1.1 or higher.
See the Yamaha Pro Audio website for compatibility details (
When DME64N/24N and DME8i-C/DME8o-C/DME4io-C are used together in the same device
group, faster communication speed as well as smoother DME Designer meter display can be
obtained by assigning a DME8i-C/DME8o-C/DME4io-C unit as the device group master.