User Manual

Chapter 6 Component Guide
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
The compander combines the effects of a compressor and an expander. A compressor compresses
signals that exceed the threshold, while the expander reduces signals that fall below the threshold.
There are two compander groups, CompanderH (compander hard) and CompanderS (compander
soft). Within each group, there are mono channel and stereo channel companders.
Mono channel companders have one input, one output, and one KeyIn input. Stereo channel
companders have two inputs, two outputs, and one KeyIn input.
Double-click a component to display the component editor for it. The parameters are the same for
mono channel and stereo channel components.
The compander hard and compander soft differ in the compression ratio of their fixed expander. The
expander compression is expressed by the straight portion of the lower-left part of the compander
curve. The compression ratio of the compander hard is large. The slope is also large. The
compression ratio of the compander soft is small, with a gentle compression. The parameters in the
component editor are the same.
Mono channel
Stereo channel
Mono channel
Stereo channel
2 ) !3
4 5 6
7 8 9
2 ) !3
4 5 6
7 8 9
CompanderH Mono component editor CompanderS Stereo component editor