User Manual

Chapter 6 Component Guide
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Matrix (Delay Meter/Output Level Meter)
The upper row has delay meters, while the middle row has output level meters. You can view
parameters for all output channels at once.
When you click the output channel number on the matrix, the [Delay Matrix - All Inputs to One
Output] editor window opens. When you click the input channel number on the left side of the
matrix, the [Delay Matrix - One Input to All Outputs] editor window opens.
The matrix is divided into groups. For the 2 Input matrix, each group has two input channels and
four output channels. For the 4 Input matrix, each group has four input channels and four output
channels. Groups in matrixes with more than four inputs are the same as for the 4 Input matrix.
When you place the mouse pointer over a group, its channel numbers are highlighted. Click to
open the [Delay Matrix - Crosspoint] editor window.
Section Name Function
1 Input Master Opens the Input Master window.
2 Output Master Opens the Output Master window.
3 Matrix Delay meters
Output level meters
Displays output level and delay time for each output
channel. Clicking here displays the Crosspoint window.
4 Block On Turns ON output for all channels in the Crosspoint
window. Lights the [ON] button (does not change the
delay matrix component editor).
5 Off Turns OFF output for all channels in the Crosspoint
window (does not change the delay matrix component
6 Nominal Resets all output levels in the Crosspoint window,
making them 0 dB. The delay settings are not changed.
7 Minimum Resets all output levels in the Crosspoint window,
making them - dB. The delay settings are not
Output Level Meter
Delay Meter
Click to open the [Delay Matrix - All Inputs
to One Output] editor window.
Click to open the [Delay Matrix - One Input
to All Outputs] editor window.