User Manual

3.3.5 GPI Control Command
24) SGO: Used to control GPI OUT.
Option The DME's ACKs when it succeeds The DME's ACKs when it fails
SGO 0 [Port number] [ON/OFF] … SGO OK SGO ERR
The command name stands for "Set Gpi Out".
- The first option will always take "0." It is reserved for future extensions to the command.
- The second option will have a port number by a character string.
- The third option will have a character string of either "ON" or "OFF."
- One or more spaces are needed between the command and the option, and between the options.
- Multiple GPI outputs can be controlled by adding another option.
- SGO command changes GPI OUT port status without affecting any parameters in DME components.
E.g.) To set port 3 on:
SGO 0 3 ON
To set port 10 on, port 11 off:
SGO 0 10 ON 11 OFF
To set port 1 on, port 3 off, port 4 on and port 5 on:
SGO 0 1 ON 3 OFF 4 ON 5 ON
- The DME will return a one-line character string of "SGO OK" if it succeeds.
- The DME will return a one-line character string of "SGO ERR" if it fails.
E.g.) ACK when it succeeds in setting GPI port 3 on:
ACK when it fails in setting GPI port 3 on:
3.3.6 WAV FILE PLAYER Control Command
25) PWF: Used to play back a file.
Option The DME's ACKs when it succeeds The DME's ACKs when it fails
PWF 0 [An index to Wav File Manager] PWF OK PWF ERR
The command name stands for "Play Wav File".
This command will enable the user to play back a specified song in the DME's WAV File Player.
A file should be registered in WAV File Manager in advance to play the song.
- The first option will always take "0." It is reserved for future extensions to the command.
- The second option will have an index to Wav File Manager by a character string.
- One or more spaces are needed between the command and the option, and between the options.
E.g.) To play back a WAV file registered in Wav File Manager 4:
PWF 0 4
- The DME will return a one-line character string of "PWF OK" if it succeeds.
- The DME will return a one-line character string of "PWF ERR" if it fails.
E.g.) ACK when it succeeds in playing back a WAV file registered in Wav File Manager 4:
ACK when it fails in playing back a WAV file registered in Wav File Manager 4:
DME Remote Control Protocol Specifications V3.1