User Manual

3.2.2 Scene Control Command
3) SCN: Used when a scene is recalled.
Command Option
SCN 0 [scene number]
The command name stands for "Scene."
The DME will send the command when a scene is recalled.
- The first option will always take "0." It can be ignored for the controller; it is reserved for future extensions to the command.
- [scene number] will have an appropriate character string.
- A space will be needed between the command and the option, and between the options.
E.g.) A character string sent to the controller from the DME when Scene 8 is recalled.
SCN 0 8
3.2.3 Mute Control Command
7) MUTE: Used when mute condition is changed
Command Option
The DME will send the command when Mute ON/OFF is switched.
- The first option will always take "0." It can be ignored for the controller; it is reserved for future extensions to the command.
- The second option will have a character string, either "ON" or "OFF".
- A space will be needed between the command and the option, and between the options.
E.g.) A character string sent to the controller from the DME when Mute is switched off.
3.3 Command for the DME Control
3.3.1 Parameter Control Command
8) SPR: Used to set a parameter other than a fader parameter, and a fader using a dB method.
9) SVL: Used to set a fader using a curve table method.
Command Option The DME's ACKs when it succeeds The DME's ACKs when it fails
SPR 0 [index] [parameter value] SPR OK SPR ER
PRM 0 [index] [parameter value]
SVL 0 [index] [curve value] SVL OK SVL ER
VOL 0 [index] [level value]
The command names stand for "Set Parameter" and "Set Volume" respectively.
- The first option will always take "0." It is reserved for future extensions to the command.
- [index], [parameter value] and [curve value] should have an appropriate number by a character string.
- One or more spaces are needed between the command and the option, and between the options.
E.g.) To change a parameter of an index of 5 to -30dB using a dB method.
SPR 0 5 -3000
To change a parameter of an index of 6 to -30dB using a curve table method (10dB at the maximum).
SVL 0 6 323
- The DME will return two lines of character strings if it succeeds.
The first line should be a character string, either "SPR OK" or "SVL OK".
For details on the character strings "PRM" and "VOL" in the second line, see chapter 3.2.1.
The first line can be ignored; check the second line to find the value after a parameter is changed for a controller.
- The DME will return a character string of either "SPR ERR" or "SVL ERR" if it fails.
E.g.) ACK when it succeeds in changing a parameter of an index of of 5 to -30dB using a dB method.
PRM 0 5 -3000
ACK when it fails in changing a parameter of an index of of 5 to -30dB using a dB method.
DME Remote Control Protocol Specifications V3.1