User Manual

- The first option will always take "0." It is reserved for future extensions to the command.
- [index] will have an appropriate number converted to a character string.
- One or more spaces are needed between the command and the option, and between the options.
E.g.) To obtain a parameter of an index of 5 using a dB method.
GPR 0 5
To obtain a parameter of an index of 6 using a curve table method.
GVL 0 6
- The DME will return two lines of character strings if it succeeds.
The first line will have a character string: "GPR OK" or "GVL OK".
For details on the character strings "PRM" and "VOL" in the second line, see chapter 3.2.1.
The first line can be ignored; check the second line to find the parameter value for a controller.
- The DME will return a one-line character string of either "GPR ERR" or "GVL ERR" if it fails.
E.g.) ACK when a parameter of an index of 5 is obtained using a dB method and -30dB is returned.
PRM 0 5 -3000
ACK when it fails in obtaining a parameter of an index of 5 using a dB method
OL 0 6 323
ACK when it fails in obtaining a parameter of an index of 6 using a curve table method (10dB at the maximum).
3.3.2 Scene Control Command
14) RSC: Used to recall a scene.
Option The DME's ACKs when it succeeds The DME's ACKs when it fails
RSC 0 [scene number] RSC OK RSC ER
SCN 0 [scene number]
The command name stands for "Recall Scene".
- The first option will always take "0." It is reserved for future extensions to the command.
- [scene number] will have an appropriate number converted to a character string.
- One or more spaces are needed between the command and the option, and between the options.
E.g.) To recall Scene 4:
RSC 0 4
- The DME will return two lines of character strings if it succeeds.
The first line will have a character string, "RSC OK".
For details on the character string "SCN" in the second line, see chapter 3.2.1.
The first line can be ignored; check the second line to find if a scene is recalled for a controller.
- The DME will return a one-line character string of "RSC ERR" if it fails.
 (The DME will return ERR if the Remote Controller sends the RSC command for an unsaved scene.)
E.g.) ACK when it succeeds in recalling Scene 4:
SCN 0 4
ACK when it fails in recalling Scene 4:
ACK when a parameter of an index of 6 is obtained using a curve table method (10dB at the maximum) and -
30dB is returned.
DME Remote Control Protocol Specifications V3.1