User Manual

Chapter 3 Main Panel Window
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Network Setup
Click the [Network Setup] item in the [Hardware] menu to open the “Network Setup” window.
This window can be used to set the IP address and device group master/slave status of DME and
SP2060 units.
“Network Setup” Window
Names and Functions
Communication Port List (Tx/Rx)
Selects the communication port for the device to be set up.
Displays and sets whether the DME or SP2060 unit connected to the port specified by the
“Communication Port” dialog box is the device group master or slave.
These settings can be edited regardless of the current settings of the DME and SP2060 units. The DME Utility screen
Lock page and SP2060 Utility screen User Lock settings only apply to the device panels.
DME64N/24N and SP2060 slave devices will not be displayed.
The settings cannot be changed for devices in a device group that is online.