User Manual

Chapter 6 Component Guide
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Name Function
Mic In. meters These meters display the signal levels from the
corresponding near-end microphones.
Ref In meters Display the level of the far-end input signals that are used
for AEC reference individually for each channel.
Maintaining the reference signals at optimum levels leads
to maximum echo cancellation efficacy.
Echo Attn. meters Display the echo cancellation strength for each channel.
The higher the level the stronger the echo cancellation
ERL meters Display the ERL (Echo Return Loss = the amount of
speaker output that is picked up by the microphone) for
each channel. Echo cancellation will be most effective if
the microphone and speaker positions/orientations are
adjusted so that this level is minimal.
Section Parameter Range Function
AEC AEC On ON/OFF Turns the echo canceller function ON or OFF. When OFF,
AEC “learning” will also stop.
Effect 1, 2, 3, 4 Sets the strength of echo cancellation. Higher values
correspond to higher echo cancellation strength. Higher
values also result in reduced sound quality, so these
settings should always be made while checking the
Distance 2 ~ 40
Specifies the distance between the microphone and
speaker used. If multiple microphones and speakers are
used, the distance between closest microphone and
speaker should be specified. If the microphone-to-
speaker distance is less than 2 meters, use the 2 meter
Advanced button Opens the Advanced Settings editor window (see
page 486).
NR On ON/OFF Turns the noise reduction function that automatically
reduces constant environmental noises such as projector
fans or air conditioning ON or OFF. These settings should
normally be ON.
Matrix Router ON/OFF Determines whether far-end input signals A~D will be
used as reference signals for AEC channels 1~4.
Far-end Noise Reduction ON/OFF These buttons individually turn noise reduction for far-end
input channels A~D ON or OFF. These settings should
normally be ON.
FBS On ON/OFF Turn feedback suppression for the corresponding signal
ON or OFF. Turning this function ON can prevent
unwanted feedback that may occur when the near-end
microphone input is being monitored via the local speaker
Width 1/10, 1/60,
1/93 (oct)
Specifies the width of the notch filter that will be applied at
the detected feedback frequency. This function makes it
possible to reduce the bandwidth of the feedback
suppressor notch filters when the filters begin to have
noticeable negative impact on sound quality. A setting of
“1/93” results in the narrowest notch filter bandwidth.
Reducing bandwidth can also reduce the effectiveness of
feedback suppression. The default setting is “1/10”.
Depth -6, -12, -18
Specifies the attenuation of the notch filter that will be
applied at the detected feedback frequency. A setting of
“-18” results in the strongest feedback suppression, but
this can also lead to a reduction in sound quality. The
default setting is “-6”.