User Manual

Notes for DME64N/DME24N Version 1.2
Message List
Message Content Corrective Action
Cannot Select There is no selectable item in the scene or monitoring
point list.
Data is not registered.Register the data to be used in DME
CAS. In Sync Err The word clock input from the [CASCADE IN] terminal is
not synchronized with the DME64N word clock.
Recheck the settings for using the word clock that
synchronizes the DME64N and external devices.
CAS. Out Sync Err The word clock input from the [CASCADE OUT] terminal is
not synchronized with the DME64N word clock.
Recheck the settings for using the word clock that
synchronizes the DME64N and external devices.
Connecting Searching for DMEs in the network and connecting them.
Download Success The DME64N/24N program update or restoration was
Downloading Updating the DME64N/24N program. Do NOT turn off the
power while this display is on the screen.
DSP Power Shortage The audio signal is muted without being input or output,
because the DSP resources are insufficient. This message
may be displayed when a configuration created at 44.1 or
48 kHz is operated at 88.2 or 96 kHz.
To operate with all word clocks, set the word clock in DME
Designer to 96 kHz when creating a configuration.
Duplicate IP Adr. An IP address is duplicated. Change the settings so that there are no duplicate IP
File Operating Scene-related data (configuration, component, etc.) from
the computer is in operation. Do NOT turn off the power
while this display is on the screen.
Flash Rom Full The flash memory used for saving data has become full. Erase unused data such as configurations, presets, and
audio data.
Illegal MAC Adr. This is an invalid MAC address. Since this is likely to be a device failure, contact a Yamaha
electric sound service outlet listed at the end of this
manual (page 79).
Invalid IP Adr. An IP address is invalid. Set a valid IP address.
Invalid Password The password is incorrect. Enter the correct password. If you have forgotten the
password, contact a Yamaha electric sound service outlet
listed at the end of this manual (page 79).
Low Battery Battery capacity is running low. Stop using the unit immediately and contact a Yamaha
electric sound service outlet listed at the end of this
manual (page 79).
MIDI Port In Use The USB port being used for communication with DME
Designer has been selected as a host.
Set Host on the utility screen’s MIDI page to another port.
Network Busy Traffic in the network is congested. Communication will
take time.
Check the devices connected to the network. If there are a
large number of connected devices, reduce their number.
If LinkMode is set to 10BASE-T, traffic speed may improve
if the setting is changed to 100BASE-TX.
Network Error An error like the following has occurred on the network:
•A cable has become disconnected.
• The power to a connected hub or router is cut off.
•A cable is in an unsuitable condition (such as something
heavy resting on the cable).
(Static electricity may be having an effect.)
Investigate the cause of the error and eliminate it.
Network Setup Various settings for connecting to the network are being
No Battery The battery is exhausted. When the power is turned OFF, the current settings will be
lost and the unit will return to its initial settings. Stop using
the unit immediately and contact a Yamaha electric sound
service outlet listed at the end of this manual (page 79).
No Current Scene There is no current scene. This is displayed when scene data has not been sent even
once. Create data using DME Designer, and synchronize
DME Designer and the DME64N/24N unit.
No MAC Adr. No MAC address is set. Since this is likely to be a device failure, contact a Yamaha
electric sound service outlet listed at the end of this
manual (page 79).
Panel Locked Panel lock is set, and the panel cannot be operated. Panel lock may have been set by the administrator to
prevent unexpected data changes caused by erroneous
user operations.
To use the panel, hold the [CANCEL] button down for at
least two seconds. This clears the panel lock.
Panel Unlocked Panel lock has been cleared. Panel operations are
Param Access Err Cannot display current settings. The component version may be old. Update to the latest
Param Set Err Cannot change current settings. The component version may be old. Update to the latest