User Manual

Chapter 6 Component Guide
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
All Inputs to One Output
When you click the output channel number on the matrix, the [Matrix Mixer - All Inputs to One
Output] editor window opens. All input channels and one output channel are displayed. The output
channel is the one you have clicked on in the matrix mixer component editor.
Output Channel Switching
[Matrix Mixer - All Inputs to One Output] editor window displays the output channel clicked in the
matrix mixer component editor. The [Channel] buttons in the [Output] section of the [Matrix Mixer -
All Inputs to One Output] editor window switch the channel group that is displayed in the window.
If you make the matrix mixer component editor active while the [Matrix Mixer - All Inputs to One
Output] editor window is displayed, and then click another output channel, that channel group will
be displayed in the [Matrix Mixer - All Inputs to One Output] editor window.
One [Matrix Mixer - All Inputs to One Output] editor window is displayed for each matrix mixer
component editor.
Section Parameter Setting Range Function
1 Bus Send Level Level - to +10 dB Sets the output signal level for each input channel.
2 On ON/OFF Turns ON the output for each input channel.
3 Output Channel -- Displays the selected output channel. Select
another channel from a menu.
4 On ON/OFF Turns ON the output for the channel displayed in
the window.
5 Meter -- Displays the output signal level of the channel
displayed in the window.
6 Block On -- Turns ON all channel inputs. When turned ON, the
[On] button lights up.
7 Off -- Turns OFF all channel inputs.
8 Nominal -- Resets all input signal levels, making them 0 dB.
9 Minimum -- Reset all input signal levels, making them - dB.