User Manual

Chapter 3 Main Panel Window
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Event Log List
The event logs that can be retrieved from the DME unit as well as their content and countermeasures
are listed below.
Displayed Messages Contents/Countermeasures
Communication between PC and DME ended. Communication between the computer and DME (device group
master) has stopped. Check cable connections and router/hub
Communication between PC and DME started. Communication between the computer and DME (device group
master) has started.
Communication between mixer (PM5D) and DME
Communication between the mixing console (PM5D) and DME
(device group master) has stopped. Check cable connections.
Communication between mixer (PM5D) and DME
Communication between the mixing console (PM5D) and DME
(device group master) has started.
Communication between master DME and slave
[IP:*.*.*.*] DME ended.
Communication between the device group master DME and
slave (IP Address: *.*.*.*) has stopped. Check cable
connections and router/hub operation.
Communication between master DME and slave
[IP:*.*.*.*] DME started.
Communication between the device group master DME and
slave (IP Address: *.*.*.*) has started.
Scene [***] recalled. Scene number *** has been recalled.
Scene [***] stored. Scene number *** has been stored.
DME Designer to DME unit synchronized. A configuration has been transferred from DME Designer to the
DME unit and synchronized.
MUTE was turned on. [IP:***] DME (IP Address: *.*.*.*) turned the MUTE function ON.
MUTE was turned off. [IP:***] DME (IP Address: *.*.*.*) turned the MUTE function OFF.
Input gain too high. AD [ChannelNo.*]
Input gain too high. [SlotNo.*, ChannelNo.*]
Input gain too high. CobraNet [ChannelNo.*]
Input gain too high. EtherSound [ChannelNo.*]
The input signal (slot number/channel number will be displayed)
has exceeded the clipping level.
Reduce the input signal level or head amplifier gain.
Output level too high. DA [ChannelNo.*]
Output level too high. [SlotNo.*, ChannelNo.*]
Output level too high. CobraNet [ChannelNo.*]
Output level too high. EtherSound [ChannelNo.*]
The output signal (slot number/channel number will be
displayed) has exceeded the clipping level.
Reduce the output signal level.
Scene store failure. The scene data is protected.
This may have been set by the administrator to prevent
unwanted data changes due to improper operation. To change
this setting turn “Protect” OFF in the “Scene Manager” dialog
Word clock unlocked. An appropriate word clock is not being received or cannot be
Re-check the word clock connections and the “Word Clock”
dialog box settings.
Word clock not synchronized. [Slot] (Slot*,
Channel */*)
Word clock not synchronized. [WC INl]
Word clock not synchronized. [Cascade IN]
Word clock not synchronized. [Cascade OUT]
The received word clock (input connector/slot number/channel
number will be displayed) is not synchronized with the DME
word clock.
Revise the “Word Clock” dialog box settings so that an external
word clock that is in sync with the DME word clock is received.
External word clock changed. [Fs=(*)kHz] The external word clock (frequency: *kHz) has been changed.
Internal word clock changed. [Fs=(*)kHz] The internal word clock (frequency: *kHz) has been changed.