User Manual

Owner’s Manual 61
MIDI Setting Area (MIDI)
This section describes the MIDI setting area, which can be accessed using the [MIDI] button. In this area, you can set
MIDI-related parameters on an individual-kit basis. In addition, layer settings for each pad (i.e., the number of layers
and the way in which they play) are also configured within the MIDI setting area. For more information on the functions
setup using this setting area, see page 34.
Structure of MIDI Setting Area
The MIDI setting area is subdivided into three different sections (MIDI1 to MIDI3). Use the [B]/[C] buttons to navigate between these
sections. If a section contains parameter-setting pages, the [ENTER] button will light up. Press the [ENTER] button to access these pages.
You can press the [EXIT] button to move back towards the top of the setting area. MIDI parameters set within this area are stored on an
individual-kit basis; therefore, you should always select the drum kit you want to configure within the KIT setting area before entering the
MIDI setting area. Parameters within the MIDI MESSAGE section (MIDI1) affect individual pads, which can be selected on-screen or by
striking them. Meanwhile, parameters within the TG/MIDI SWITCH section (MIDI2) and the OTHER section (MIDI3) affect individual
MIDI channels, which can be selected on-screen.
Be sure to store any settings that you have edited before turning off the instrument or selecting a new kit. (See page 45.)
The parameter-setting pages that make up the MIDI MESSAGE section will depend
on the type of MIDI message selected on the Select Message Type page (MIDI1).
• Pages when MessageType is set to “note”:
MIDI1-1 Playing Mode page............................................................................Page 62
MIDI1-2 MIDI Note page .................................................................................Page 63
MIDI1-3 MIDI Channel page ...........................................................................Page 63
MIDI1-4 Gate Time page.................................................................................Page 64
MIDI1-5 Receive Key-Off page ....................................................................... Page 64
MIDI1-6 Velocity Limits page........................................................................... Page 64
MIDI1-7 Trigger Velocity page .........................................................................Page 64
MIDI1-8 Trigger Polyphony page..................................................................... Page 65
MIDI1-9 Trigger Alternate Group page ............................................................ Page 65
• Pages when MessageType is set to “CC”:
MIDI1-1 Control Change Number & Value page ............................................. Page 65
MIDI1-2 MIDI Channel page ...........................................................................Page 65
• Pages when MessageType is set to “PC”:
MIDI1-1 Program Change page ...................................................................... Page 66
MIDI1-2 MIDI Channel page ...........................................................................Page 66
• No pages are accessible when MessageType is set to
“strt”, “cont”, or “stop”.
MIDI3-1 Transmit page ....................................................................................Page 67
MIDI3-2 Volume page...................................................................................... Page 67
MIDI3-3 Pan page ........................................................................................... Page 67
MIDI3-4 Program Change page ...................................................................... Page 67
MIDI3-5 Variation Send Level page................................................................. Page 68
MIDI3-6 Chorus Send Level page................................................................... Page 68
MIDI3-7 Reverb Send Level page ................................................................... Page 68
MIDI3-8 CC Number & Value page ................................................................. Page 68
MIDI2-1 Tone Generator Switch page .............................................................Page 66
MIDI2-2 External MIDI Switch page................................................................Page 66
Parameter-setting pages