User Manual

80 Owner’s Manual
PATTERN Setting Area (PTN)
PTN4-5-1 Copy Pattern Setting page
With the Copy Pattern Setting page displayed, press the [ENTER]
button, and when asked to confirm that you wish to proceed, press
the [ENTER] button once again.
1 Pattern to be copied
Use this parameter to select the pattern to be copied to the
currently selected User pattern.
Demo patterns cannot be copied.
From the Exchange Patterns page, you can swap a pair of User
patterns. With the Exchange Patterns page displayed, press the
[ENTER] button to open the Exchange Patterns Settings page.
PTN4-6-1 Exchange Patterns Settings page
With the Exchange Patterns Settings page displayed, press the
[ENTER] button, and when asked to confirm that you wish to pro-
ceed, press the [ENTER] button once again.
1 Exchange pattern 1
B Exchange pattern 2
Use these parameters to select the two User patterns to be
From the Import SMF page, you can import a standard MIDI file
(SMF) into the DTX-MULTI 12 from a USB memory device for
use as a User pattern. SMFs contain sequenced MIDI data and
have a “.mid” file extension. It should be noted that the DTX-
MULTI 12 supports Format 0 SMFs only.
PTN4-7-1 Import SMF Setting page
1 SMF file name
Use this parameter to select the SMF to be imported.
Plug a USB memory device containing the Format-0
SMF to be imported into the USB TO DEVICE port on
the side panel of the DTX-MULTI 12.
Navigate to the Import SMF page (PTN4-7) and press
the [ENTER] button to open the Import SMF Setting
page (PTN4-7-1) shown above. Select the SMF to be
imported and then press the [ENTER] button once
You will be asked to confirm that you wish to proceed.
To import the selected SMF, press the [ENTER] but-
ton. Alternatively, press the [EXIT] button to return
to the previous page without importing.
If the currently selected User pattern already contains pattern data, it
will be overwritten with the imported data.
The message “Now importing...” will be displayed during the
import process.
Only standard MIDI files of Format 0 can be imported.
•In certain cases where a User pattern created from an imported SMF is
looped, voices may not change as expected when playback jumps from
the end back to the beginning, and instead, the voices settings from the
end of the pattern will be maintained throughout. Specifically, this hap-
pens when program change data from the SMF’s header is not read
upon return to the start of the pattern. To prevent this type of unintended
situation, move any program change messages slightly back from the
SMF header to ensure that they will be correctly read.
Settings P004 to P128 or U001 to U050
The currently selected User pattern is overwritten as a result of this
procedure. Be sure, therefore, to always save important data on a
USB memory device or the like before copying patterns.
PTN4-6 Exchange Patterns page
Settings U001 to U050
PTN4-7 Import SMF page
Any SMF file having extension .mid and
stored in the USB memory device’s root
Do not unplug the USB memory device from the USB TO
DEVICE port or turn off either the USB memory device or the
DTX-MULTI 12 while data is being imported. Failure to observe
this precaution can lead to the USB memory device or the DTX-
MULTI 12 being permanently damaged.