User Manual

UTILITY Setting Area (UTIL)
Owner’s Manual 89
1 Foot switch input selection (FootSwInsel)
Use this parameter to specify whether a foot switch (“ftSw”),
a hi-hat controller (“HH65”), or a foot controller (“FC7”) is
connected via the FOOT SW jack.
The velocities sent when a hi-hat controller or a foot controller is con-
nected will depend on the setting made on the Trigger Velocity page
The velocities sent when a foot switch is connected also depend on
the setting made on the Trigger Velocity page (MIDI1-7); however, if
“variable” is selected on that page, velocities will be sent with a fixed
value of 100.
1 Pad10-12
Use this parameter to turn rim pads 10 to 12 on (“enable”) or
off (“disable”). This function can prove useful in preventing
voices assigned to these rim pads from being played when
they are accidentally struck instead of pads 7 to 9.
enable ................. The rim pads will operate in the normal
disable ................ Functions assigned to these rim pads will
be disabled. When they are struck, the
DTX-MULTI 12 behaves in the same way
as if the corresponding main pads (7 to 9)
had been struck.
Hi-hat Setup
In the HI-HAT section, you can set parameters related to hi-hats.
With the HI-HAT page (UTIL5) displayed, press the [ENTER]
button to access its three parameter-setting pages (UTIL5-1 to
UTIL5-3). You can use the [B]/[C] buttons to navigate between
these pages.
1 Close position (ClosePosi)
Use this parameter to adjust the position at which the hi-hat
switches from open to closed when a hi-hat controller is
depressed. The lower the value, the smaller the virtual open-
ing between the top and bottom hi-hats.
1 Splash sensitivity (SplashSens)
Use this parameter to set the degree of sensitivity for detect-
ing hi-hat foot splashes. The higher the value, the easier it will
be to produce foot-splash sounds with the hi-hat controller.
High values may, however, result in splash sounds being unin-
tentionally produced when, for example, you depress the hi-
hat controller lightly to keep time. It is a good idea to set this
parameter to “off” if you do not want to play foot splashes.
1 Send hi-hat controller (SendHH)
Use this parameter to enable (“on”) or disable (“off”) the
sending of MIDI messages corresponding to continuous
motion of the hi-hat controller between the open and closed
If “hi-hat” is selected on the Hi-Hat Function page (KIT7-3), MIDI mes-
sages will be sent only when this parameter is set to “on”.
If “MIDI” is selected on the Hi-Hat Function page (KIT7-3), MIDI mes-
sages will always be sent, regardless of whether this parameter is set
to “on” or “off”.
UTIL4-2 Foot Switch Input page
Settings ftSw, HH65, or FC7
UTIL4-3 Pad 10-12 Switch page
Settings enable or disable
UTIL5-1 Close Position page
Settings -32 to +0 to +32
UTIL5-2 Splash Sensitivity page
Settings off or 1 to 127
UTIL5-3 Send Hi-hat Controller page
Settings off or on